[HTML][HTML] Plant polyphenols and their potential benefits on cardiovascular health: A review
Fruits, vegetables, and other food items contain phytochemicals or secondary metabolites
which may be considered non-essential nutrients but have medicinal importance. These …
which may be considered non-essential nutrients but have medicinal importance. These …
[HTML][HTML] Seaweeds as a functional ingredient for a healthy diet
Seaweeds have been used since ancient times as food, mainly by Asian countries, while in
Western countries, their main application has been as gelling agents and colloids for the …
Western countries, their main application has been as gelling agents and colloids for the …
A global perspective on carotenoids: Metabolism, biotechnology, and benefits for nutrition and health
Carotenoids are lipophilic isoprenoid compounds synthesized by all photosynthetic
organisms and some non-photosynthetic prokaryotes and fungi. With some notable …
organisms and some non-photosynthetic prokaryotes and fungi. With some notable …
[HTML][HTML] Biological action mechanisms of fucoxanthin extracted from algae for application in food and cosmetic industries
Background Fucoxanthin is a pigment present in diverse marine organisms such as micro
and macro-algae. The most relevant source of fucoxanthin has been described to be the …
and macro-algae. The most relevant source of fucoxanthin has been described to be the …
Astaxanthin: A super antioxidant from microalgae and its therapeutic potential
S Kumar, R Kumar, Diksha, A Kumari… - Journal of Basic …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Astaxanthin is a ketocarotenoid, super antioxidant molecule. It has higher antioxidant activity
than a range of carotenoids, thus has applications in cosmetics, aquaculture, nutraceuticals …
than a range of carotenoids, thus has applications in cosmetics, aquaculture, nutraceuticals …
Carotenoids and their health benefits as derived via their interactions with gut microbiota
Carotenoids have been related to a number of health benefits. Their dietary intake and
circulating levels have been associated with a reduced incidence of obesity, diabetes …
circulating levels have been associated with a reduced incidence of obesity, diabetes …
The reciprocal interactions between polyphenols and gut microbiota and effects on bioaccessibility
As of late, polyphenols have increasingly interested the scientific community due to their
proposed health benefits. Much of this attention has focused on their bioavailability …
proposed health benefits. Much of this attention has focused on their bioavailability …
From carotenoid intake to carotenoid blood and tissue concentrations–implications for dietary intake recommendations
There is uncertainty regarding carotenoid intake recommendations, because positive and
negative health effects have been found or are correlated with carotenoid intake and tissue …
negative health effects have been found or are correlated with carotenoid intake and tissue …
Correlation between in vitro and in vivo data on food digestion. What can we predict with static in vitro digestion models?
During the last decade, there has been a growing interest in understanding food's digestive
fate in order to strengthen the possible effects of food on human health. Ideally, food …
fate in order to strengthen the possible effects of food on human health. Ideally, food …
Recent progress in practical applications of a potential carotenoid astaxanthin in aquaculture industry: a review
Astaxanthin is the main natural C40 carotenoid used worldwide in the aquaculture industry.
It normally occurs in red yeast Phaffia rhodozyma and green alga Haematococcus pluvialis …
It normally occurs in red yeast Phaffia rhodozyma and green alga Haematococcus pluvialis …