Human motion trajectory prediction: A survey
With growing numbers of intelligent autonomous systems in human environments, the ability
of such systems to perceive, understand, and anticipate human behavior becomes …
of such systems to perceive, understand, and anticipate human behavior becomes …
Core challenges of social robot navigation: A survey
Robot navigation in crowded public spaces is a complex task that requires addressing a
variety of engineering and human factors challenges. These challenges have motivated a …
variety of engineering and human factors challenges. These challenges have motivated a …
SGCN: Sparse graph convolution network for pedestrian trajectory prediction
Pedestrian trajectory prediction is a key technology in autopilot, which remains to be very
challenging due to complex interactions between pedestrians. However, previous works …
challenging due to complex interactions between pedestrians. However, previous works …
Social-stgcnn: A social spatio-temporal graph convolutional neural network for human trajectory prediction
Better machine understanding of pedestrian behaviors enables faster progress in modeling
interactions between agents such as autonomous vehicles and humans. Pedestrian …
interactions between agents such as autonomous vehicles and humans. Pedestrian …
Social gan: Socially acceptable trajectories with generative adversarial networks
Understanding human motion behavior is critical for autonomous moving platforms (like self-
driving cars and social robots) if they are to navigate human-centric environments. This is …
driving cars and social robots) if they are to navigate human-centric environments. This is …
Human trajectory forecasting in crowds: A deep learning perspective
Since the past few decades, human trajectory forecasting has been a field of active research
owing to its numerous real-world applications: evacuation situation analysis, deployment of …
owing to its numerous real-world applications: evacuation situation analysis, deployment of …
Peeking into the future: Predicting future person activities and locations in videos
Deciphering human behaviors to predict their future paths/trajectories and what they would
do from videos is important in many applications. Motivated by this idea, this paper studies …
do from videos is important in many applications. Motivated by this idea, this paper studies …
Social lstm: Human trajectory prediction in crowded spaces
Humans navigate complex crowded environments based on social conventions: they
respect personal space, yielding right-of-way and avoid collisions. In our work, we propose a …
respect personal space, yielding right-of-way and avoid collisions. In our work, we propose a …
Learning social etiquette: Human trajectory understanding in crowded scenes
Humans navigate crowded spaces such as a university campus by following common sense
rules based on social etiquette. In this paper, we argue that in order to enable the design of …
rules based on social etiquette. In this paper, we argue that in order to enable the design of …
A survey of methods for safe human-robot interaction
Ensuring human safety is one of the most important considerations within the field of human-
robot interaction (HRI). This does not simply involve preventing collisions between humans …
robot interaction (HRI). This does not simply involve preventing collisions between humans …