Environmental endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure: role in non-communicable diseases
The exponential growth of pollutant discharges into the environment due to increasing
industrial and agricultural activities is a rising threat for human health and a biggest concern …
industrial and agricultural activities is a rising threat for human health and a biggest concern …
The regulation of endocrine-disrupting chemicals to minimize their impact on health
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are substances generated by human industrial
activities that are detrimental to human health through their effects on the endocrine system …
activities that are detrimental to human health through their effects on the endocrine system …
Frontiers in quantifying wildlife behavioural responses to chemical pollution
Animal behaviour is remarkably sensitive to disruption by chemical pollution, with
widespread implications for ecological and evolutionary processes in contaminated wildlife …
widespread implications for ecological and evolutionary processes in contaminated wildlife …
Factors determining the susceptibility of fish to effects of human pharmaceuticals
The increasing levels and frequencies at which active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are
being detected in the environment are of significant concern, especially considering the …
being detected in the environment are of significant concern, especially considering the …
Critical review: Grand challenges in assessing the adverse effects of contaminants of emerging concern on aquatic food webs
Much progress has been made in the past few decades in understanding the sources,
transport, fate, and biological effects of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in aquatic …
transport, fate, and biological effects of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in aquatic …
Global variation in freshwater physico‐chemistry and its influence on chemical toxicity in aquatic wildlife
Chemical pollution is one of the major threats to global freshwater biodiversity and will be
exacerbated through changes in temperature and rainfall patterns, acid–base chemistry …
exacerbated through changes in temperature and rainfall patterns, acid–base chemistry …
Forecasting the impacts of chemical pollution and climate change interactions on the health of wildlife
Global climate change is impacting organisms, biological communities and ecosystems
around the world. While most research has focused on characterizing how the climate is …
around the world. While most research has focused on characterizing how the climate is …
Zebrafish sex differentiation and gonad development: a review on the impact of environmental factors
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is extensively used in research; however the mechanisms that
control this species sex determination are still poorly understood. In the latest decades, it …
control this species sex determination are still poorly understood. In the latest decades, it …
Critical review on toxic contaminants in surface water ecosystem: sources, monitoring, and its impact on human health
Surface water pollution is a critical and urgent global issue that demands immediate
attention. Surface water plays a crucial role in supporting and sustaining life on the earth, but …
attention. Surface water plays a crucial role in supporting and sustaining life on the earth, but …
Sexual determination in zebrafish
D Aharon, FL Marlow - Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2022 - Springer
Zebrafish have emerged as a major model organism to study vertebrate reproduction due to
their high fecundity and external development of eggs and embryos. The mechanisms …
their high fecundity and external development of eggs and embryos. The mechanisms …