Exploring CLIL contribution towards the acquisition of cross-curricular competences: a comparative study on digital competence development in CLIL

E Nieto Moreno de Diezmas - Revista de lingüística y lenguas …, 2018 - riunet.upv.es
[EN] This large-scale study compares the digital skills of CLIL and non-CLIL secondary
students by means of two separate tests assessing 'communicative digital competence'(CLIL …

A case for teaching pronunciation to adult EFL learners, using metrical versification

M Khaleghi, M Batobara, M Saleem - International Journal of …, 2020 - ijlter.myres.net
Accent, rhythm, and intonation are significant features of the English language. The
Intelligibility of EFL learners' speech is largely affected for lack of knowledge of correct use …

ESL and EFL learners improve differently in pronunciation: The case of Lebanon

HS Mirza - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015 - Elsevier
Many ESL/EFL students in Lebanon reach the university level with poor English in general
and underdeveloped phonetic competence in particular. Phonetic competence is one of the …

Ensino da componente fonético-fonológica: uma síntese e um exemplo de português para estrangeiros

A Castelo - Linguística: Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da …, 2018 - aleph.letras.up.pt
No presente estudo, usando a perspetiva da Linguística Educacional, procura--se dar
resposta a uma necessidade específica: fornecer aos professores de Português como …

Real-time formant extraction for second language vowel production training

I Rehman - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Research advances in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) have made
way for the development of Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training (CAPT) software …

Songs for Teaching Pronunciation: A Guiding Model

A CASTELO - Journal of Innovation in Psychology, Education and …, 2018 - ceeol.com
Songs have been used as an excellent tool for teaching a second language; however, their
advantages as a means to teach pronunciation could be explored in a more frequent and …

[PDF][PDF] Robust Diarization For Speaker Characterization﴾ Diarizacion Robusta Para Caracterizacion De Locutores

CV Avilés-Casco - 2011 - zaguan.unizar.es
The task of speaker characterization, which aims at describing the particular and distinctive
peculiarities of a person's speech, is essential for several speech based technologies and …

[PDF][PDF] Foreign speech accent and comprehensibility: Technology integration to bolster EFL learners' pronunciation for effective communication

PS Sarhandi, RA Memon, IF Khan - … Research Journal of Arts and …, 2020 - researchgate.net
This quasi-experimental research study examines in depth the issues of accent and
comprehensibility but also the effects of technology on the accent reduction of Saudi EFL …

[PDF][PDF] A voz da literatura na aprendizagem da pronúncia: uma sequência didática com recurso a audiolivros

A Castelo, C Amorim, LG Xavier - III Conference of the …, 2024 - repositorioaberto.uab.pt
3. Ler o poema em voz alta e esclarecer as dúvidas de vocabulário. 4. Responder por
escrito às seguintes questões: a) A quem se dirige o sujeito poético? b) Caracterize a filha …