Exploring CLIL contribution towards the acquisition of cross-curricular competences: a comparative study on digital competence development in CLIL
E Nieto Moreno de Diezmas - Revista de lingüística y lenguas …, 2018 - riunet.upv.es
[EN] This large-scale study compares the digital skills of CLIL and non-CLIL secondary
students by means of two separate tests assessing 'communicative digital competence'(CLIL …
students by means of two separate tests assessing 'communicative digital competence'(CLIL …
ICT and gamification experiences with CLIL methodology as innovative resources for the development of competencies in compulsory secondary education
E Carrión Candel, MM Pérez Agustín… - 2021 - docta.ucm.es
Due to the lack of research in the field of music through CLIL and ICT in Secondary
Education in Spain, we propose to merge this subject with an innovative methodology. The …
Education in Spain, we propose to merge this subject with an innovative methodology. The …
A case for teaching pronunciation to adult EFL learners, using metrical versification
M Khaleghi, M Batobara, M Saleem - International Journal of …, 2020 - ijlter.myres.net
Accent, rhythm, and intonation are significant features of the English language. The
Intelligibility of EFL learners' speech is largely affected for lack of knowledge of correct use …
Intelligibility of EFL learners' speech is largely affected for lack of knowledge of correct use …
ESL and EFL learners improve differently in pronunciation: The case of Lebanon
HS Mirza - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015 - Elsevier
Many ESL/EFL students in Lebanon reach the university level with poor English in general
and underdeveloped phonetic competence in particular. Phonetic competence is one of the …
and underdeveloped phonetic competence in particular. Phonetic competence is one of the …
Ensino da componente fonético-fonológica: uma síntese e um exemplo de português para estrangeiros
A Castelo - Linguística: Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da …, 2018 - aleph.letras.up.pt
No presente estudo, usando a perspetiva da Linguística Educacional, procura--se dar
resposta a uma necessidade específica: fornecer aos professores de Português como …
resposta a uma necessidade específica: fornecer aos professores de Português como …
Real-time formant extraction for second language vowel production training
I Rehman - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Research advances in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) have made
way for the development of Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training (CAPT) software …
way for the development of Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training (CAPT) software …
Songs for Teaching Pronunciation: A Guiding Model
A CASTELO - Journal of Innovation in Psychology, Education and …, 2018 - ceeol.com
Songs have been used as an excellent tool for teaching a second language; however, their
advantages as a means to teach pronunciation could be explored in a more frequent and …
advantages as a means to teach pronunciation could be explored in a more frequent and …
[PDF][PDF] Robust Diarization For Speaker Characterization﴾ Diarizacion Robusta Para Caracterizacion De Locutores
CV Avilés-Casco - 2011 - zaguan.unizar.es
The task of speaker characterization, which aims at describing the particular and distinctive
peculiarities of a person's speech, is essential for several speech based technologies and …
peculiarities of a person's speech, is essential for several speech based technologies and …
[PDF][PDF] Foreign speech accent and comprehensibility: Technology integration to bolster EFL learners' pronunciation for effective communication
This quasi-experimental research study examines in depth the issues of accent and
comprehensibility but also the effects of technology on the accent reduction of Saudi EFL …
comprehensibility but also the effects of technology on the accent reduction of Saudi EFL …
[PDF][PDF] A voz da literatura na aprendizagem da pronúncia: uma sequência didática com recurso a audiolivros
3. Ler o poema em voz alta e esclarecer as dúvidas de vocabulário. 4. Responder por
escrito às seguintes questões: a) A quem se dirige o sujeito poético? b) Caracterize a filha …
escrito às seguintes questões: a) A quem se dirige o sujeito poético? b) Caracterize a filha …