A review of White‐centering practices in multiracial research in social psychology
MM Garay, JD Remedios - Social and Personality Psychology …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Multiracial people—those whose racial ancestry is comprised of two or more races—have
always had a presence in the United States. However, since the recent US Census shift to …
always had a presence in the United States. However, since the recent US Census shift to …
Broadening the stimulus set: Introducing the American multiracial faces database
Face-based perceptions form the basis for how people behave towards each other and,
hence, are central to understanding human interaction. Studying face perception requires a …
hence, are central to understanding human interaction. Studying face perception requires a …
Breaking the glass ceiling: For one and all?
The current research challenges the assumption that the presence of women in leadership
positions will automatically “break the glass ceiling” for other women. We contend that it is …
positions will automatically “break the glass ceiling” for other women. We contend that it is …
“You're one of us”: Black Americans' use of hypodescent and its association with egalitarianism.
Research on multiracial categorization has focused on majority group social perceivers (ie,
White Americans), demonstrating that they (a) typically categorize Black–White multiracials …
White Americans), demonstrating that they (a) typically categorize Black–White multiracials …
Essentialism and racial bias jointly contribute to the categorization of multiracial individuals
Categorizations of multiracial individuals provide insight into the psychological mechanisms
driving social stratification, but few studies have explored the interplay of cognitive and …
driving social stratification, but few studies have explored the interplay of cognitive and …
Acquiring group bias: Observing other people's nonverbal signals can create social group biases.
Evidence of group bias based on race, ethnicity, nationality, and language emerges early in
the life span. Although understanding the initial acquisition of group bias has critical …
the life span. Although understanding the initial acquisition of group bias has critical …
Black+ White= Not White: A minority bias in categorizations of Black-White multiracials
The present research sought to provide new insights on the principles guiding the
categorization of Black-White multiracial faces at a first encounter. Previous studies have …
categorization of Black-White multiracial faces at a first encounter. Previous studies have …
Do children see in Black and White? Children's and adults' categorizations of multiracial individuals
Categorizations of multiracial individuals provide insight into the development of racial
concepts. Children's (4–13 years) and adults', both White (Study 1) and Black (Study 2; N …
concepts. Children's (4–13 years) and adults', both White (Study 1) and Black (Study 2; N …
Fluid racial presentation: Perceptions of contextual “passing” among biracial people
Existing monoracial identity frameworks fail to capture the experiences of biracial people, for
whom racial identification may depend on the social context. Though biracial people can …
whom racial identification may depend on the social context. Though biracial people can …
Whose side are you on? Asian Americans' mistrust of Asian–White biracials predicts more exclusion from the ingroup
We investigated Asian Americans' perceptions of Asian–White biracials. Because the
Asian/White boundary may be more permeable than other minority/White boundaries, we …
Asian/White boundary may be more permeable than other minority/White boundaries, we …