A review of White‐centering practices in multiracial research in social psychology

MM Garay, JD Remedios - Social and Personality Psychology …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Multiracial people—those whose racial ancestry is comprised of two or more races—have
always had a presence in the United States. However, since the recent US Census shift to …

Broadening the stimulus set: Introducing the American multiracial faces database

JM Chen, JB Norman, Y Nam - Behavior Research Methods, 2021 - Springer
Face-based perceptions form the basis for how people behave towards each other and,
hence, are central to understanding human interaction. Studying face perception requires a …

Breaking the glass ceiling: For one and all?

F Manzi, ME Heilman - Journal of personality and social …, 2021 - psycnet.apa.org
The current research challenges the assumption that the presence of women in leadership
positions will automatically “break the glass ceiling” for other women. We contend that it is …

“You're one of us”: Black Americans' use of hypodescent and its association with egalitarianism.

AK Ho, NS Kteily, JM Chen - Journal of personality and social …, 2017 - psycnet.apa.org
Research on multiracial categorization has focused on majority group social perceivers (ie,
White Americans), demonstrating that they (a) typically categorize Black–White multiracials …

Essentialism and racial bias jointly contribute to the categorization of multiracial individuals

AK Ho, SO Roberts, SA Gelman - Psychological science, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Categorizations of multiracial individuals provide insight into the psychological mechanisms
driving social stratification, but few studies have explored the interplay of cognitive and …

Acquiring group bias: Observing other people's nonverbal signals can create social group biases.

AL Skinner, KR Olson, AN Meltzoff - Journal of personality and …, 2020 - psycnet.apa.org
Evidence of group bias based on race, ethnicity, nationality, and language emerges early in
the life span. Although understanding the initial acquisition of group bias has critical …

Black+ White= Not White: A minority bias in categorizations of Black-White multiracials

JM Chen, K Pauker, SE Gaither, DL Hamilton… - Journal of Experimental …, 2018 - Elsevier
The present research sought to provide new insights on the principles guiding the
categorization of Black-White multiracial faces at a first encounter. Previous studies have …

Do children see in Black and White? Children's and adults' categorizations of multiracial individuals

SO Roberts, SA Gelman - Child Development, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Categorizations of multiracial individuals provide insight into the development of racial
concepts. Children's (4–13 years) and adults', both White (Study 1) and Black (Study 2; N …

Fluid racial presentation: Perceptions of contextual “passing” among biracial people

AF Albuja, DT Sanchez, SE Gaither - Journal of Experimental Social …, 2018 - Elsevier
Existing monoracial identity frameworks fail to capture the experiences of biracial people, for
whom racial identification may depend on the social context. Though biracial people can …

Whose side are you on? Asian Americans' mistrust of Asian–White biracials predicts more exclusion from the ingroup

JM Chen, NS Kteily, AK Ho - Personality and Social …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
We investigated Asian Americans' perceptions of Asian–White biracials. Because the
Asian/White boundary may be more permeable than other minority/White boundaries, we …