Phenomenological renormalization group methods
JA Plascak, W Figueiredo, BCS Grandi - Brazilian journal of physics, 1999 - SciELO Brasil
Some renormalization group approaches have been proposed during the last few years
which are close in spirit to the Nightingale phenomenological procedure. In essence, by …
which are close in spirit to the Nightingale phenomenological procedure. In essence, by …
Mean field renormalization group analysis of the Blume-Capel model
OFDA Bonfim - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 1985 - Elsevier
The critical properties of the d-dimensional Blume-Capel model is studied by using the
mean field renormalization group method. The phase diagram and tricritical behaviour of the …
mean field renormalization group method. The phase diagram and tricritical behaviour of the …
Mean-field renormalization group: Unified approach to bulk and surface critical behavior
The previously introduced method of mean-field renormalization is reexamined in a finite-
size-scaling perspective. The method is shown to provide simultaneously estimates for bulk …
size-scaling perspective. The method is shown to provide simultaneously estimates for bulk …
Mean field renormalisation group for the spin-1/2 anisotropic Heisenberg model
JA Plascak - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1984 - iopscience.iop.org
The mean field renormalisation group approach is applied to the spin-1/2 anisotropic
Heisenberg model. The critical temperature and the critical exponent are obtained as a …
Heisenberg model. The critical temperature and the critical exponent are obtained as a …
Directed-percolation conjecture for cellular automata
The directed-percolation (DP) hypothesis for stochastic, range-4 cellular automata with an
acceptance rule y≤ tsum j=− 4 4 si− j≤ 6, in the cases of y< 6, was investigated in one and …
acceptance rule y≤ tsum j=− 4 4 si− j≤ 6, in the cases of y< 6, was investigated in one and …
Mean field renormalisation group for the disordered transverse Ising model
JA Plascak - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1984 - iopscience.iop.org
The mean field renormalisation group approach is applied to the bond diluted transverse
Ising model. The critical surface in the temperature-transverse field-concentration space is …
Ising model. The critical surface in the temperature-transverse field-concentration space is …
Mean-field renormalisation group transformations for the triangular Ising antiferromagnet
PA Slotte - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1984 - iopscience.iop.org
The mean-field renormalisation group of Indekeu et al.(1982) is applied to the
antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbour Ising model on the triangular lattice. The resulting …
antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbour Ising model on the triangular lattice. The resulting …
Effective-field renormalization-group study for the diluted Ising model
ZY Li - Physical Review B, 1988 - APS
Effective-field renormalization-group study for the diluted Ising model Page 1 PHYSICAL
REVIEW 8 VOLUME 37,NUMBER 10 1 APRIL 1988 EfFective-Seld renormalizstion-group study …
REVIEW 8 VOLUME 37,NUMBER 10 1 APRIL 1988 EfFective-Seld renormalizstion-group study …
Mean-field renormalization group: Bibliography and new applications using large clusters
K Croes, JO Indekeu - Modern Physics Letters B, 1993 - World Scientific
Renormalization group recursions based on mean-field approximations [JO Indekeu, A.
Maritan, and AL Stella, J. Phys. A15, L291 (1982)], commonly referred to as mean-field …
Maritan, and AL Stella, J. Phys. A15, L291 (1982)], commonly referred to as mean-field …
Dynamical renormalisation through classical equations of motion
JO Indekeu, AL Stella, L Zhang - Journal of Physics A …, 1984 - iopscience.iop.org
Classical approximations for critical dynamics are taken as the basis of a new dynamical
renormalisation group strategy in real space. The approach is phenomenological and …
renormalisation group strategy in real space. The approach is phenomenological and …