Convergence of mechanistic modeling and artificial intelligence in hydrologic science and engineering
Hydrology is a mature physical science based on application of first principles. However, the
water system is complex and its study requires analysis of increasingly large data available …
water system is complex and its study requires analysis of increasingly large data available …
Development of new machine learning model for streamflow prediction: Case studies in Pakistan
For accurate estimation of streamflow of a mountainous river basin, a novel hybrid method is
developed in this study, where gradient-based optimization (GBO) algorithm is employed to …
developed in this study, where gradient-based optimization (GBO) algorithm is employed to …
Predicting streamflow in Peninsular Malaysia using support vector machine and deep learning algorithms
Floods and droughts are environmental phenomena that occur in Peninsular Malaysia due
to extreme values of streamflow (SF). Due to this, the study of SF prediction is highly …
to extreme values of streamflow (SF). Due to this, the study of SF prediction is highly …
A comparative study on forecasting of long-term daily streamflow using ANN, ANFIS, BiLSTM and CNN-GRU-LSTM
Long-term streamflow forecasting is a critical step when planning and managing water
resources. Advanced techniques in deep learning have been proposed for forecasting …
resources. Advanced techniques in deep learning have been proposed for forecasting …
Improved prediction of monthly streamflow in a mountainous region by Metaheuristic-Enhanced deep learning and machine learning models using hydroclimatic data
This study compares the ability of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) tuned with Grey Wolf
Optimization (GWO) and machine learning models, artificial neural network (ANN), Adaptive …
Optimization (GWO) and machine learning models, artificial neural network (ANN), Adaptive …
Assessing machine learning models for streamflow estimation: a case study in Oued Sebaou watershed (Northern Algeria)
This paper proposes runoff models based on machine learning to estimate daily streamflows
in Oued Sebaou watershed, a Mediterranean coastal basin located in northern Algeria …
in Oued Sebaou watershed, a Mediterranean coastal basin located in northern Algeria …
Review of recent trends in the hybridisation of preprocessing-based and parameter optimisation-based hybrid models to forecast univariate streamflow
Forecasting river flow is crucial for optimal planning, management, and sustainability using
freshwater resources. Many machine learning (ML) approaches have been enhanced to …
freshwater resources. Many machine learning (ML) approaches have been enhanced to …
Improving short-term daily streamflow forecasting using an Autoencoder based CNN-LSTM Model
Streamflow forecasting is vital for managing water resources, such as flood control,
agriculture planning, hydropower generation, environmental management, drought …
agriculture planning, hydropower generation, environmental management, drought …
Assessment of hybrid machine learning algorithms using TRMM rainfall data for daily inflow forecasting in Três Marias Reservoir, eastern Brazil
This study investigates the application of the Gaussian Radial Basis Function Neural
Network (GRNN), Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), and Multilayer Perceptron …
Network (GRNN), Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), and Multilayer Perceptron …
Monthly streamflow prediction and performance comparison of machine learning and deep learning methods
Streamflow prediction is an important matter for the water resources management and the
design of hydraulic structures that can be built on rivers. Recently, it has become a widely …
design of hydraulic structures that can be built on rivers. Recently, it has become a widely …