[CARTE][B] Sequential codelet model: a supercodelet program execution model and architecture
JMM Diaz - 2021 - search.proquest.com
In sequential computers, the Instruction Set Architecture provides a clear division between
software and hardware. Separation of software and hardware through a well defined …
software and hardware. Separation of software and hardware through a well defined …
Sequential codelet model of program execution-a super-codelet model based on the hierarchical turing machine
The Sequential Codelet Model is a definition of a program execution model that aims to
achieve parallel execution of programs that are expressed sequentially and in a hierarchical …
achieve parallel execution of programs that are expressed sequentially and in a hierarchical …
The OCR-Vx experience: lessons learned from designing and implementing a task-based runtime system
J Dokulil, S Benkner - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2022 - Springer
Task-based runtime systems are an important branch of parallel programming research,
since tasks decouple computation from the compute units, giving the runtime systems …
since tasks decouple computation from the compute units, giving the runtime systems …
Map** series-parallel streaming applications on hierarchical platforms with reliability and energy constraints
Streaming applications come from various application fields such as physics, where data is
continuously generated and must be processed on the fly. Typical streaming applications …
continuously generated and must be processed on the fly. Typical streaming applications …
Reliable and energy-aware map** of streaming series-parallel applications onto hierarchical platforms
Streaming applications come from various application fields such as physics, and many can
be represented as a series-parallel dependence graph. We aim at minimizing the energy …
be represented as a series-parallel dependence graph. We aim at minimizing the energy …
Examining the Relationship between Human Mobility and Digital Technology's Internet Activities
S Gebre-Amlak - 2019 - search.proquest.com
This research explored digital mobility and its connection to everyday human activities. The
study analyzes mobile internet and cellular phone's contributions to a person's interaction …
study analyzes mobile internet and cellular phone's contributions to a person's interaction …
Task Map** and Load-balancing for Performance, Memory, Reliability and Energy
C Gou - 2020 - theses.hal.science
This thesis focuses on multi-objective optimization problems arising when running scientific
applications on high performance computing platforms and streaming applications on …
applications on high performance computing platforms and streaming applications on …
[CITARE][C] Trends in Exascale Computing Software for Low Power
T Huh, JH Kwak, M Koh, S Rho - Platform Technology letters, 2018