Magnetization transfer contrast and chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI. Features and analysis of the field-dependent saturation spectrum
Abstract Magnetization Transfer Contrast (MTC) and Chemical Exchange Saturation
Transfer (CEST) experiments measure the transfer of magnetization from molecular protons …
Transfer (CEST) experiments measure the transfer of magnetization from molecular protons …
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) and MR Z-spectroscopy in vivo: a review of theoretical approaches and methods
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) of metabolite protons that undergo exchange
processes with the abundant water pool enables a specific contrast for magnetic resonance …
processes with the abundant water pool enables a specific contrast for magnetic resonance …
Dynamic glucose-enhanced (DGE) MRI: translation to human scanning and first results in glioma patients
Recent animal studies have shown that d-glucose is a potential biodegradable magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent for imaging glucose uptake in tumors. We show …
resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent for imaging glucose uptake in tumors. We show …
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging: description of technique and potential clinical applications
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
contrast enhancement technique that enables indirect detection of metabolites with …
contrast enhancement technique that enables indirect detection of metabolites with …
Rapid and quantitative chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging with magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF)
Purpose To develop a fast magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) method for quantitative
chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging. Methods We implemented a CEST …
chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging. Methods We implemented a CEST …
Theory of chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI in the context of different magnetic fields
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a
versatile MRI method that provides contrast based on the level of molecular and metabolic …
versatile MRI method that provides contrast based on the level of molecular and metabolic …
MR fingerprinting for semisolid magnetization transfer and chemical exchange saturation transfer quantification
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI has positioned itself as a promising
contrast mechanism, capable of providing molecular information at sufficient resolution and …
contrast mechanism, capable of providing molecular information at sufficient resolution and …
Learned spatiotemporal correlation priors for CEST image denoising using incorporated global‐spectral convolution neural network
Purpose To develop a deep learning‐based method, dubbed Denoising CEST Network
(DECENT), to fully exploit the spatiotemporal correlation prior to CEST image denoising …
(DECENT), to fully exploit the spatiotemporal correlation prior to CEST image denoising …
CEST‐MRI detects metabolite levels altered by breast cancer cell aggressiveness and chemotherapy response
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) is an MRI contrast mechanism that detects
the exchange of protons from distinct hydroxyl, amine, and amide groups to tissue water …
the exchange of protons from distinct hydroxyl, amine, and amide groups to tissue water …
Establishing the lysine-rich protein CEST reporter gene as a CEST MR imaging detector for oncolytic virotherapy
Purpose To (a) evaluate whether the lysine-rich protein (LRP) magnetic resonance (MR)
imaging reporter gene can be engineered into G47Δ, a herpes simplex–derived oncolytic …
imaging reporter gene can be engineered into G47Δ, a herpes simplex–derived oncolytic …