Kinetic theory of long-range interacting systems with angle–action variables and collective effects
PH Chavanis - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012 - Elsevier
We develop a kinetic theory of systems with long-range interactions taking collective effects
and spatial inhomogeneity into account. Starting from the Klimontovich equation and using a …
and spatial inhomogeneity into account. Starting from the Klimontovich equation and using a …
Spectrally adapted physics-informed neural networks for solving unbounded domain problems
M ** in Sobolev spaces for the Vlasov-HMF model
E Faou, F Rousset - Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2016 - Springer
We consider the Vlasov-HMF (Hamiltonian Mean-Field) model. We consider solutions
starting in a small Sobolev neighborhood of a spatially homogeneous state satisfying a …
starting in a small Sobolev neighborhood of a spatially homogeneous state satisfying a …
[HTML][HTML] Kinetic theory of stellar systems: A tutorial
C Hamilton, JB Fouvry - Physics of Plasmas, 2024 -
Stellar systems—globular and nuclear star clusters, elliptical and spiral galaxies and their
surrounding dark matter haloes, and so on—are ubiquitous characters in the evolutionary …
surrounding dark matter haloes, and so on—are ubiquitous characters in the evolutionary …
The Brownian mean field model
PH Chavanis - The European Physical Journal B, 2014 - Springer
We discuss the dynamics and thermodynamics of the Brownian mean field (BMF) model
which is a system of N Brownian particles moving on a circle and interacting via a cosine …
which is a system of N Brownian particles moving on a circle and interacting via a cosine …
Kinetic theory of spatially homogeneous systems with long-range interactions: II. Historic and basic equations
PH Chavanis - The European Physical Journal Plus, 2013 - Springer
We provide a short historic of the early development of kinetic theory in plasma physics and
synthesize the basic kinetic equations describing the evolution of systems with long-range …
synthesize the basic kinetic equations describing the evolution of systems with long-range …
On linear dam** around inhomogeneous stationary states of the Vlasov-HMF model
E Faou, R Horsin, F Rousset - Journal of Dynamics and Differential …, 2021 - Springer
We study the dynamics of perturbations around an inhomogeneous stationary state of the
Vlasov-HMF (Hamiltonian Mean-Field) model, satisfying a linearized stability criterion …
Vlasov-HMF (Hamiltonian Mean-Field) model, satisfying a linearized stability criterion …
Modeling and forecasting age-specific drug overdose mortality in the United States
Drug overdose deaths continue to increase in the United States for all major drug
categories. Over the past two decades the total number of overdose fatalities has increased …
categories. Over the past two decades the total number of overdose fatalities has increased …
Kinetic blockings in long-range interacting inhomogeneous systems
JB Fouvry, M Roule - Physical Review E, 2023 - APS
Long-range interacting systems unavoidably relax through Poisson shot noise fluctuations
generated by their finite number of particles, N. When driven by two-body correlations, ie …
generated by their finite number of particles, N. When driven by two-body correlations, ie …
Temperature inversion in long-range interacting systems
Temperature inversions occur in nature, eg, in the solar corona and in interstellar molecular
clouds: Somewhat counterintuitively, denser parts of the system are colder than dilute ones …
clouds: Somewhat counterintuitively, denser parts of the system are colder than dilute ones …