[HTML][HTML] Numerical design and performance analysis of a tug boat propulsion system

S Nitonye, S Adumene, UU Howells - Journal of Power and Energy …, 2017 - scirp.org
The aim of this project is to design and analyze the propulsion system for a tugboat for
optimum performance. In so doing, certain approved procedures were followed; these …

Analisa Kekuatan Deck Akibat Perubahan Muatan Pada Tongkang TK. NELLY-34

NS Riyanto, H Yudo, A Trimulyono - Jurnal Teknik Perkapalan, 2020 - ejournal3.undip.ac.id
Tongkang merupakan kapal dengan karakteristik lambung datar atau kotak yang
mengapung, yang biasanya digunakan untuk memuat batubara. Pada penelitian kali ini …

[PDF][PDF] Stress and Resistance analysis for the design of a work barge

N Samson - International Journal of Scientific and Engineering …, 2015 - researchgate.net
A barge is usually a flat bottom vessel mainly used as cargo tanker, equipment supply
carriers, crane platform and support accommodation bases in offshore operations. The work …

[PDF][PDF] Damage Stability Behavior Analysis of a Cruise Liner Using Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

N Samson, FC Feniobu… - International Journal of …, 2021 - researchgate.net
the paper uses more recent scientific and regulatory developments on the damage stability
of ships to analyze damage stability of a vessel. The use of CAD in the analysis of several …

[PDF][PDF] Floodable length analysis of a container vessel using computer aided design

S Nitonye, C Feniobu, BO Eragbai - Global Journal of Engineering …, 2023 - researchgate.net
The floodability of a container vessel is investigated to determine the maximum volume of
compartments that can be flooded without causing the container vessel to capsize. In this …

[PDF][PDF] Analisa Kekuatan Deck BARGE NANIA 10070 DWT Dengan Dua Metode Pembebanan

LP Adnyani, N Aisyah, S Sulistijono… - Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu …, 2019 - academia.edu
Kondisi struktur pelat tongkang dan banyak volume muatan, akan mempengaruhi jumlah
tegangan yang mampu ditahan oleh suatu struktur. Analisa kekuatan deck dengan variasi …

[HTML][HTML] Numerical Analysis of the RAP Characteristics of a Catamaran Vessel for Niger Delta Pliability

D Tamunodukobipi, S Nitonye - Journal of Power and Energy …, 2019 - scirp.org
A proper characterization of catamarans performance in relation to demi-hull separation
ratio (Sc/L) is imperative for optimal design and applications. Resistance, propulsion and …

Thermodynamics performance of cooling pumps based on different sea water temperatures in main engine of a cargo ship

MZ Sogut, S Ozkaynak… - International Journal of …, 2019 - inderscienceonline.com
In sea transport having dynamic conditions, for all energy consuming equipment's of ships,
effective and efficient use of energy is important to ensure. In this study, the thermodynamics …

[PDF][PDF] Numerical Modelling Of Strength For Hull Form Components Of A 700 Tonne Self-Propelled Barge Under Moment And Operational Loading

A Sidum, N Samson - … Organization of Scientific Research Journal of …, 2015 - academia.edu
The design of vessel especially self propelled sea going barge is highly complex,
considering the various component needed to analyze. There are basic principle and …

[PDF][PDF] Bourbon Helene Hull Form Optimization for Improved Hydrodynamic Performance

MB James, CU Orji, S Nitonye - Int. J. Adv. Eng. Manage., 2021 - researchgate.net
Ship hull form is the outer part of a ship hull that is designed to satisfy ship owners
requirement like ship operating speeds, fuel efficiency, course and stability. Analytical …