[HTML][HTML] Numerical design and performance analysis of a tug boat propulsion system
The aim of this project is to design and analyze the propulsion system for a tugboat for
optimum performance. In so doing, certain approved procedures were followed; these …
optimum performance. In so doing, certain approved procedures were followed; these …
Analisa Kekuatan Deck Akibat Perubahan Muatan Pada Tongkang TK. NELLY-34
NS Riyanto, H Yudo, A Trimulyono - Jurnal Teknik Perkapalan, 2020 - ejournal3.undip.ac.id
Tongkang merupakan kapal dengan karakteristik lambung datar atau kotak yang
mengapung, yang biasanya digunakan untuk memuat batubara. Pada penelitian kali ini …
mengapung, yang biasanya digunakan untuk memuat batubara. Pada penelitian kali ini …
[PDF][PDF] Stress and Resistance analysis for the design of a work barge
N Samson - International Journal of Scientific and Engineering …, 2015 - researchgate.net
A barge is usually a flat bottom vessel mainly used as cargo tanker, equipment supply
carriers, crane platform and support accommodation bases in offshore operations. The work …
carriers, crane platform and support accommodation bases in offshore operations. The work …
[PDF][PDF] Damage Stability Behavior Analysis of a Cruise Liner Using Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
N Samson, FC Feniobu… - International Journal of …, 2021 - researchgate.net
the paper uses more recent scientific and regulatory developments on the damage stability
of ships to analyze damage stability of a vessel. The use of CAD in the analysis of several …
of ships to analyze damage stability of a vessel. The use of CAD in the analysis of several …
[PDF][PDF] Floodable length analysis of a container vessel using computer aided design
S Nitonye, C Feniobu, BO Eragbai - Global Journal of Engineering …, 2023 - researchgate.net
The floodability of a container vessel is investigated to determine the maximum volume of
compartments that can be flooded without causing the container vessel to capsize. In this …
compartments that can be flooded without causing the container vessel to capsize. In this …
[PDF][PDF] Analisa Kekuatan Deck BARGE NANIA 10070 DWT Dengan Dua Metode Pembebanan
LP Adnyani, N Aisyah, S Sulistijono… - Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu …, 2019 - academia.edu
Kondisi struktur pelat tongkang dan banyak volume muatan, akan mempengaruhi jumlah
tegangan yang mampu ditahan oleh suatu struktur. Analisa kekuatan deck dengan variasi …
tegangan yang mampu ditahan oleh suatu struktur. Analisa kekuatan deck dengan variasi …
[HTML][HTML] Numerical Analysis of the RAP Characteristics of a Catamaran Vessel for Niger Delta Pliability
A proper characterization of catamarans performance in relation to demi-hull separation
ratio (Sc/L) is imperative for optimal design and applications. Resistance, propulsion and …
ratio (Sc/L) is imperative for optimal design and applications. Resistance, propulsion and …
Thermodynamics performance of cooling pumps based on different sea water temperatures in main engine of a cargo ship
MZ Sogut, S Ozkaynak… - International Journal of …, 2019 - inderscienceonline.com
In sea transport having dynamic conditions, for all energy consuming equipment's of ships,
effective and efficient use of energy is important to ensure. In this study, the thermodynamics …
effective and efficient use of energy is important to ensure. In this study, the thermodynamics …
[PDF][PDF] Numerical Modelling Of Strength For Hull Form Components Of A 700 Tonne Self-Propelled Barge Under Moment And Operational Loading
The design of vessel especially self propelled sea going barge is highly complex,
considering the various component needed to analyze. There are basic principle and …
considering the various component needed to analyze. There are basic principle and …
[PDF][PDF] Bourbon Helene Hull Form Optimization for Improved Hydrodynamic Performance
Ship hull form is the outer part of a ship hull that is designed to satisfy ship owners
requirement like ship operating speeds, fuel efficiency, course and stability. Analytical …
requirement like ship operating speeds, fuel efficiency, course and stability. Analytical …