The horizon of materiobiology: a perspective on material-guided cell behaviors and tissue engineering

Y Li, Y **ao, C Liu - Chemical reviews, 2017‏ - ACS Publications
Although the biological functions of cell and tissue can be regulated by biochemical factors
(eg, growth factors, hormones), the biophysical effects of materials on the regulation of …

Control of stem cell fate by physical interactions with the extracellular matrix

F Guilak, DM Cohen, BT Estes, JM Gimble, W Liedtke… - Cell stem cell, 2009‏ -
A diverse array of environmental factors contributes to the overall control of stem cell activity.
In particular, new data continue to mount on the influence of the extracellular matrix (ECM) …

Engineering microscale topographies to control the cell–substrate interface

M Nikkhah, F Edalat, S Manoucheri, A Khademhosseini - Biomaterials, 2012‏ - Elsevier
Cells in their in vivo microenvironment constantly encounter and respond to a multitude of
signals. While the role of biochemical signals has long been appreciated, the importance of …

Physical cues of biomaterials guide stem cell differentiation fate

A Higuchi, QD Ling, Y Chang, ST Hsu… - Chemical …, 2013‏ - ACS Publications
Millions of people lose or damage their organs or tissues due to disease, birth defects, or
accidents each year. Stem cells, such as embryonic stem cells (ESCs), induced pluripotent …

Development of biomaterial scaffold for nerve tissue engineering: Biomaterial mediated neural regeneration

A Subramanian, UM Krishnan… - Journal of biomedical …, 2009‏ - Springer
Neural tissue repair and regeneration strategies have received a great deal of attention
because it directly affects the quality of the patient's life. There are many scientific challenges …

The regulation of tendon stem cell differentiation by the alignment of nanofibers

Z Yin, X Chen, JL Chen, WL Shen, TMH Nguyen, L Gao… - Biomaterials, 2010‏ - Elsevier
Tendon is a specific connective tissue composed of parallel collagen fibers. The effect of this
tissue-specific matrix orientation on stem cell differentiation has not been investigated. This …

Nanotopography-guided tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

HN Kim, A Jiao, NS Hwang, MS Kim, DH Kim… - Advanced drug delivery …, 2013‏ - Elsevier
Human tissues are intricate ensembles of multiple cell types embedded in complex and well-
defined structures of the extracellular matrix (ECM). The organization of ECM is frequently …

The influence of fiber diameter of electrospun substrates on neural stem cell differentiation and proliferation

GT Christopherson, H Song, HQ Mao - Biomaterials, 2009‏ - Elsevier
Neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs) are capable of self-renewal and differentiation into all
types of neural lineage under different biochemical and topographical cues. In this study, we …

Topography, cell response, and nerve regeneration

D Hoffman-Kim, JA Mitchel… - Annual review of …, 2010‏ -
In the body, cells encounter a complex milieu of signals, including topographical cues, in the
form of the physical features of their surrounding environment. Imposed topography can …

Self-assembling hydrogel structures for neural tissue repair

S Peressotti, GE Koehl, JA Goding… - … Biomaterials Science & …, 2021‏ - ACS Publications
Hydrogel materials have been employed as biological scaffolds for tissue regeneration
across a wide range of applications. Their versatility and biomimetic properties make them …