Congenital aniridia beyond black eyes: from phenotype and novel genetic mechanisms to innovative therapeutic approaches
Congenital PAX6-aniridia, initially characterized by the absence of the iris, has progressively
been shown to be associated with other developmental ocular abnormalities and systemic …
been shown to be associated with other developmental ocular abnormalities and systemic …
The diagnostic yield of next generation sequencing in inherited retinal diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis
PURPOSE Accurate genoty** of individuals with inherited retinal diseases (IRD) is
essential for patient management and identifying suitable candidates for gene therapies …
essential for patient management and identifying suitable candidates for gene therapies …
Congenital anterior segment ocular disorders: Genotype-phenotype correlations and emerging novel mechanisms
LM Reis, S Seese, D Costakos, EV Semina - Progress in retinal and eye …, 2024 - Elsevier
Development of the anterior segment of the eye requires reciprocal sequential interactions
between the arising tissues, facilitated by numerous genetic factors. Disruption of any of …
between the arising tissues, facilitated by numerous genetic factors. Disruption of any of …
Molecular genetics of congenital cataracts
Congenital cataracts, the most common cause of visual impairment and blindness in
children worldwide, have diverse etiologies. According to statistics analysis, about one …
children worldwide, have diverse etiologies. According to statistics analysis, about one …
Genetic and clinical findings in a large cohort of Chinese patients with suspected retinitis pigmentosa
FJ Gao, JK Li, H Chen, FY Hu, SH Zhang, YH Qi, P Xu… - Ophthalmology, 2019 - Elsevier
Purpose To characterize the genetic landscape of patients with suspected retinitis
pigmentosa (RP) in the Chinese population. Design Cohort study. Participants A total of …
pigmentosa (RP) in the Chinese population. Design Cohort study. Participants A total of …
Unleashing the potential of CRISPR multiplexing: Harnessing Cas12 and Cas13 for precise gene modulation in eye diseases
Gene therapy is a flourishing field with the potential to revolutionize the treatment of genetic
diseases. The emergence of CRISPR-Cas9 has significantly advanced targeted and efficient …
diseases. The emergence of CRISPR-Cas9 has significantly advanced targeted and efficient …
Whole genome sequencing and in vitro splice assays reveal genetic causes for inherited retinal diseases
Z Fadaie, L Whelan, T Ben-Yosef, A Dockery… - NPJ genomic …, 2021 - nature.com
Inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) are a major cause of visual impairment. These clinically
heterogeneous disorders are caused by pathogenic variants in more than 270 genes. As 30 …
heterogeneous disorders are caused by pathogenic variants in more than 270 genes. As 30 …
[HTML][HTML] Next-generation sequencing applications for inherited retinal diseases
A Dockery, L Whelan, P Humphries… - International Journal of …, 2021 - mdpi.com
Inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) represent a collection of phenotypically and genetically
diverse conditions. IRDs phenotype (s) can be isolated to the eye or can involve multiple …
diverse conditions. IRDs phenotype (s) can be isolated to the eye or can involve multiple …
Clinical utility of genetic testing in 201 preschool children with inherited eye disorders
Purpose A key property to consider in all genetic tests is clinical utility, the ability of the test to
influence patient management and health outcomes. Here we assess the current clinical …
influence patient management and health outcomes. Here we assess the current clinical …
Practical guide to genetic screening for inherited eye diseases
C Méjécase, S Malka, Z Guan, A Slater… - Therapeutic …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Genetic eye diseases affect around one in 1000 people worldwide for which the molecular
aetiology remains unknown in the majority. The identification of disease-causing gene …
aetiology remains unknown in the majority. The identification of disease-causing gene …