Physics of solar prominences: I—spectral diagnostics and non-LTE modelling

N Labrosse, P Heinzel, JC Vial, T Kucera… - Space Science …, 2010‏ - Springer
This review paper outlines background information and covers recent advances made via
the analysis of spectra and images of prominence plasma and the increased sophistication …

Partial ionization of plasma in solar prominences

P Heinzel, S Gunár, S Jejčič - … Transactions of the …, 2024‏ -
The plasma in cool cores of solar prominences is partially ionized and its ionization degree,
in general, depends on the actual kinetic temperature and density of the plasma and the …

On the nature of dark extreme ultraviolet structures seen by SOHO/EIT and TRACE

U Anzer, P Heinzel - The Astrophysical Journal, 2005‏ -
Spectral lines in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observed on the Sun can originate either from
the hot corona or the cooler chromosphere to corona transition region. In the present paper …

Soho contribution to prominence science

S Patsourakos, JC Vial - Solar Physics, 2002‏ - Springer
We present the main current issues concerning prominence studies. We recall the large
range of plasma parameters found in prominences which makes the work of the MHD …

Mg II h&k fine structure prominence modelling and the consequences for observations

AW Peat, N Labrosse, P Gouttebroze - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2023‏ -
Aims. Using 2D Mg II h&k solar prominence modelling, our aim is to understand the
formation of complex line profiles and how these are seen by the Interface Region Imaging …

Detailed comparison of downflows seen both in EIT 30.4 nm and Big Bear Hα movies

A De Groof, C Bastiaensen, DAN Müller… - Astronomy & …, 2005‏ -
An EIT shutterless campaign was conducted on 11 July 2001 and provided 120 high-
cadence (68 s) 30.4 nm images of the north-eastern quarter of the Sun. Systematic intensity …

What is a macrospicule?

IP Loboda, SA Bogachev - The Astrophysical Journal, 2019‏ -
Macrospicules are typically described as solar jets that are larger and more long-lived than
spicules, and visible mostly in transition-region spectral lines. They show a broad variation …

Structure of prominence legs: plasma and magnetic field

PJ Levens, B Schmieder, N Labrosse… - The Astrophysical …, 2016‏ -
We investigate the properties of a" solar tornado" observed on 2014 July 15, and aim to link
the behavior of the plasma to the internal magnetic field structure of the associated …

[HTML][HTML] On the application of stark broadening data determined with a semiclassical perturbation approach

MS Dimitrijević, S Sahal-Bréchot - Atoms, 2014‏ -
On the Application of Stark Broadening Data Determined with a Semiclassical Perturbation
Approach Next Article in Journal / Special Issue Special Issue on Spectral Line Shapes in …

Non-LTE radiative transfer in model prominences. I. Integrated intensities of He I triplet lines

N Labrosse, P Gouttebroze - The Astrophysical Journal, 2004‏ -
In this work we use new results of radiative transfer calculations out of local
thermodynamical equilibrium to study the triplet lines emitted by neutral helium in solar …