Calcium carbonate: controlled synthesis, surface functionalization, and nanostructured materials
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is an important inorganic mineral in biological and geological
systems. Traditionally, it is widely used in plastics, papermaking, ink, building materials …
systems. Traditionally, it is widely used in plastics, papermaking, ink, building materials …
Crystallization by particle attachment in synthetic, biogenic, and geologic environments
BACKGROUND Numerous lines of evidence challenge the traditional interpretations of how
crystals nucleate and grow in synthetic and natural systems. In contrast to the monomer-by …
crystals nucleate and grow in synthetic and natural systems. In contrast to the monomer-by …
A review of classical and nonclassical nucleation theories
Nucleation, the initial process in vapor condensation, crystal nucleation, melting, and
boiling, is the localized emergence of a distinct thermodynamic phase at the nanoscale that …
boiling, is the localized emergence of a distinct thermodynamic phase at the nanoscale that …
Crystallization in confinement
Many crystallization processes of great importance, including frost heave, biomineralization,
the synthesis of nanomaterials, and scale formation, occur in small volumes rather than bulk …
the synthesis of nanomaterials, and scale formation, occur in small volumes rather than bulk …
Classical and nonclassical nucleation and growth mechanisms for nanoparticle formation
All solid materials are created via nucleation. In this evolutionary process, nuclei form in
solution or at interfaces, expand by monomeric growth and oriented attachment, and …
solution or at interfaces, expand by monomeric growth and oriented attachment, and …
Pre-nucleation clusters as solute precursors in crystallisation
Crystallisation is at the heart of various scientific disciplines, but still the understanding of the
molecular mechanisms underlying phase separation and the formation of the first solid …
molecular mechanisms underlying phase separation and the formation of the first solid …
Nucleation and growth in solution synthesis of nanostructures–from fundamentals to advanced applications
Nucleation and growth are two important and entwined processes in materials synthesis and
engineering. While understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of the processes remain …
engineering. While understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of the processes remain …
Ion-association complexes unite classical and non-classical theories for the biomimetic nucleation of calcium phosphate
Despite its importance in many industrial, geological and biological processes, the
mechanism of crystallization from supersaturated solutions remains a matter of debate …
mechanism of crystallization from supersaturated solutions remains a matter of debate …
Formation, chemical evolution and solidification of the dense liquid phase of calcium (bi) carbonate
Metal carbonates, which are ubiquitous in the near-surface mineral record, are a major
product of biomineralizing organisms and serve as important targets for capturing …
product of biomineralizing organisms and serve as important targets for capturing …
Biomineralization: from material tactics to biological strategy
Biomineralization is an important tactic by which biological organisms produce hierarchically
structured minerals with marvellous functions. Biomineralization studies typically focus on …
structured minerals with marvellous functions. Biomineralization studies typically focus on …