Pathways for balancing exploration and exploitation in innovations: A review and expansion of ambidexterity theory
Organizational research describes the inherent tension between innovation, as a means to
adapt to environmental change, and continuing to do what one does well and what current …
adapt to environmental change, and continuing to do what one does well and what current …
Explanations of success and failure in management learning: What can we learn from Nokia's rise and fall?
We study the changing explanations of success and failure over the course of a firm's
history, building on a discursive approach that highlights the role of narrative attributions in …
history, building on a discursive approach that highlights the role of narrative attributions in …
[KNJIGA][B] Values: How to bring values to life in your business
E Mayo - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
What matters to us? One way of answering that question is through the lens of values, which
have a powerful influence on our attitudes and behaviours. Yet it can be difficult for …
have a powerful influence on our attitudes and behaviours. Yet it can be difficult for …
[KNJIGA][B] THE CORPORATE STARTUP Formula sukses perusahaan mapan mengembangkan ekosistem inovasi
T Viki, D Toma, E Gons - 2018 - books.google.com
" Perusahaan besar harus berinovasi atau mati. Tinggal bagaimana caranya. Perusahaan
perlu panduan; sebuah perjalanan yang bisa memulai proses perubahan organisasi …
perlu panduan; sebuah perjalanan yang bisa memulai proses perubahan organisasi …
[HTML][HTML] Achieving organizational ambidexterity: An exploratory model, using fuzzy cognitive maps
Y Alizadeh - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Over the course of three to four decades, most well-established companies lose their
dominating position in the market or fail entirely. Their failure occurs even though they have …
dominating position in the market or fail entirely. Their failure occurs even though they have …
Digital enterprise strategy planning and implementation
J Xu, J Xu - Managing Digital Enterprise: Ten Essential Topics, 2014 - Springer
Digital Enterprise Strategy Planning and Implementation | SpringerLink Skip to main content
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Advertisement SpringerLink Account Menu Find a journal Publish with us Track your research …
[KNJIGA][B] イノベーションの攻略書 ビジネスモデルを創出する組織とスキルのつくり方
テンダイ・ヴィキ, ダン・トマ, エスター・ゴンス - 2019 - books.google.com
「5 つの原則」 で組織を変え,「4 つの実践」 で現場を変える 既存事業を回しながら新規事業を成長
させるフレームワーク [本書の目的]・中~ 大企業をイノベーション体質に変える・組織と個人の …
させるフレームワーク [本書の目的]・中~ 大企業をイノベーション体質に変える・組織と個人の …
[KNJIGA][B] La startup corporativa: Cómo las empresas establecidas pueden desarrollar ecosistemas de innovación exitosos
T Viki, D Toma, E Gons - 2022 - books.google.com
Este libro obtuvo el premio CMI Management Book of the Year Award 2018 en la categoría
de innovación y emprendimiento. Una lectura clave para los líderes que describe cómo …
de innovación y emprendimiento. Una lectura clave para los líderes que describe cómo …
The Role of Institutions and Policy in Knowledge Sector Development: An Assessment of the Danish and Norwegian Information Communication Technology Sectors
KM Gehring - 2015 - digitalcommons.du.edu
Abstract The Nordic economies of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden outperform on
average nearly ever OECD country in the share of value added stemming from the …
average nearly ever OECD country in the share of value added stemming from the …
[PDF][PDF] Investeringen in multichannel management bij een coöperatieve bank in Nederland
G Labots - core.ac.uk
In deze studie onderzoek ik of angstdispositie en loss aversion invloed hebben op
investeringsbeslissingen in Multichannel Management (MCM). Dit onderzoek richt zich …
investeringsbeslissingen in Multichannel Management (MCM). Dit onderzoek richt zich …