Evaluating the effectiveness of CHIRPS data for hydroclimatic studies
Long-term gridded precipitation products (GPPs) are crucial for climatology and hydrological
research to overcome the limitations of gauge observations. Climate Hazards Group …
research to overcome the limitations of gauge observations. Climate Hazards Group …
Comparison of CMIP6 and CMIP5 models in simulating mean and extreme precipitation over East Africa
This study examines the improvement in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase Six
(CMIP6) models against the predecessor CMIP5 in simulating mean and extreme …
(CMIP6) models against the predecessor CMIP5 in simulating mean and extreme …
[HTML][HTML] Changes in observed rainfall and temperature extremes in the Upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia
Ethiopia, a densely populated country with abundant natural resources, is often hit by
climate extreme disasters that cause severe damage to life and property every year in one or …
climate extreme disasters that cause severe damage to life and property every year in one or …
Evaluation of precipitation simulations in CMIP6 models over Uganda
This study employed 15 CMIP6 GCMs and evaluated their ability to simulate rainfall over
Uganda during 1981–2014. The models and the ensemble mean were assessed based on …
Uganda during 1981–2014. The models and the ensemble mean were assessed based on …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of the performance of CMIP6 models in reproducing rainfall patterns over North Africa
This study assesses the performance of historical rainfall data from the Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) in reproducing the spatial and temporal rainfall …
Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) in reproducing the spatial and temporal rainfall …
Long-term climate change and anthropogenic activities together with regional water resources and agricultural productivity in Uganda using Google Earth Engine
Uganda with its fragile ecosystem, large-scale human activities, and increasing population
pressure, all of which combined, make this region increasingly susceptible to climate …
pressure, all of which combined, make this region increasingly susceptible to climate …
Projected changes in meteorological drought over East Africa inferred from bias-adjusted CMIP6 models
The ongoing global warming has caused unprecedented changes in the climate system,
leading to an increase in the intensity and frequency of weather and climate extremes. This …
leading to an increase in the intensity and frequency of weather and climate extremes. This …
Future changes in mean and extreme precipitation over the Mediterranean and Sahara regions using bias‐corrected CMIP6 models
This study examines the projected changes in mean and extreme precipitation over the
Mediterranean (MED) and Sahara (SAH) regions based on the multi‐model ensemble mean …
Mediterranean (MED) and Sahara (SAH) regions based on the multi‐model ensemble mean …
Evaluation and projection of mean surface temperature using CMIP6 models over East Africa
This study evaluates the historical mean surface temperature (hereafter T2m) and examines
how T2m changes over East Africa (EA) in the 21st century using CMIP6 models. An …
how T2m changes over East Africa (EA) in the 21st century using CMIP6 models. An …
East African population exposure to precipitation extremes under 1.5 C and 2.0 C warming levels based on CMIP6 models
Understanding population exposure to precipitation-related extreme events is important for
effective climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. We analyze extreme …
effective climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. We analyze extreme …