Universal behavioral/emotional health screening in schools: Overview and feasibility
uthor Man uscript financial and time costs (Owens et al., 2002). Left untreated, behavioral
and emotional concerns are more likely to persist into adulthood and to require more …
and emotional concerns are more likely to persist into adulthood and to require more …
Making the case for universal school-based mental health screening
Mental health difficulties affect 1 in 10 children and adolescents, and up to half of adult
cases begin during the school years. The individual and societal impacts of such difficulties …
cases begin during the school years. The individual and societal impacts of such difficulties …
Intentional research design in implementation science: implications for the use of nomothetic and idiographic assessment
The advancement of implementation science is dependent on identifying assessment
strategies that can address implementation and clinical outcome variables in ways that are …
strategies that can address implementation and clinical outcome variables in ways that are …
What gets measured gets done: How mental health agencies can leverage measurement-based care for better patient care, clinician supports, and organizational …
Mental health clinicians and administrators are increasingly asked to collect and report
treatment outcome data despite numerous challenges to select and use instruments in …
treatment outcome data despite numerous challenges to select and use instruments in …
Assessing social anxiety through digital biomarkers embedded in a gaming task
Digital biomarkers of mental health issues offer many advantages, including timely
identification for early intervention, ongoing assessment during treatment, and reducing …
identification for early intervention, ongoing assessment during treatment, and reducing …
Outcome and progress monitoring in psychotherapy: Report of a Canadian Psychological Association Task Force.
Une évaluation systématique des résultats et progrès des patients est essentielle pour
déterminer les effets de la psychothérapie et fournir des renseignements de qualité aux …
déterminer les effets de la psychothérapie et fournir des renseignements de qualité aux …
Implementation strategies to promote measurement-based care in schools: evidence from mental health experts across the USA
Background Despite an established taxonomy of implementation strategies, minimal
guidance exists for how to select and tailor strategies to specific practices and contexts. We …
guidance exists for how to select and tailor strategies to specific practices and contexts. We …
How low can you go? Examining the effects of brief online training and post-training consultation dose on implementation mechanisms and outcomes for …
Background Initial training and ongoing post-training consultation (ie, ongoing support
following training, provided by an expert) are among the most common implementation …
following training, provided by an expert) are among the most common implementation …
Individualized progress measures are more acceptable to clinicians than standardized measures: Results of a national survey
Despite research supporting measurement-based care grounded in standardized progress
measures, such measures are underutilized by clinicians. Individualized measures of client …
measures, such measures are underutilized by clinicians. Individualized measures of client …
The contextualized technology adaptation process (CTAP): Optimizing health information technology to improve mental health systems
Health information technologies have become a central fixture in the mental healthcare
landscape, but few frameworks exist to guide their adaptation to novel settings. This paper …
landscape, but few frameworks exist to guide their adaptation to novel settings. This paper …