[HTML][HTML] Solution of optimal reactive power dispatch with FACTS devices: A survey
With the development of urban and rural infrastructure, the power system is enforced to
operate nearly at its full capacity which result in heavily stressed power grid operation …
operate nearly at its full capacity which result in heavily stressed power grid operation …
Congestion management in power systems–A review
In the past few decades, restructuring has overtaken all possible domains including the
electric supply industry. Restructuring has brought about considerable changes by the virtue …
electric supply industry. Restructuring has brought about considerable changes by the virtue …
A novel hybrid self-adaptive heuristic algorithm to handle single-and multi-objective optimal power flow problems
The optimal power flow (OPF) is a key tool in the planning and operation of power systems,
and aims to optimize the operational costs involved in the production and transport of energy …
and aims to optimize the operational costs involved in the production and transport of energy …
Optimal placement of TCSC and SVC for reactive power planning using Whale optimization algorithm
In the present work, Whale optimization algorithm (WOA), Differential evolution (DE), Grey
wolf optimization (GWO), Quasi-opposition based Differential Evolution (QODE) and Quasi …
wolf optimization (GWO), Quasi-opposition based Differential Evolution (QODE) and Quasi …
Applications of artificial intelligence in power system operation, control and planning: a review
As different artificial intelligence (AI) techniques continue to evolve, power systems are
undergoing significant technological changes with the primary goal of reducing …
undergoing significant technological changes with the primary goal of reducing …
Solution to optimal reactive power dispatch in transmission system using meta-heuristic techniques―Status and technological review
A bstract Power system operation with proper planning is an utmost task for enhancing the
economy of the country. The Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch (ORPD) plays an important …
economy of the country. The Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch (ORPD) plays an important …
A reliable optimization framework using ensembled successive history adaptive differential evolutionary algorithm for optimal power flow problems
Abstract The Optimal Power Flow (OPF) is a primary tool in planning and installing power
systems. It attempts to minimize the operating costs associated with generating and …
systems. It attempts to minimize the operating costs associated with generating and …
Adaptive multi objective parallel seeker optimization algorithm for incorporating TCSC devices into optimal power flow framework
Usually, the optimal integration of thyristor-controlled series compensators (TCSCs) aims at
enhancing power system performance like all of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) …
enhancing power system performance like all of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) …
Statistical analysis based reactive power optimization using improved differential evolutionary algorithm
This study presents a novel improved differential evolutionary (IDE) algorithm for optimizing
reactive power management (RPM) problems. The effectiveness of IDE algorithm is tested …
reactive power management (RPM) problems. The effectiveness of IDE algorithm is tested …
Optimization of active power dispatch considering unified power flow controller: application of evolutionary algorithms in a fuzzy framework
This paper presents an optimal active power dispatch (OAPD) problem that, unlike common
economic dispatch problems, precludes unwanted mismatches on realistic power systems …
economic dispatch problems, precludes unwanted mismatches on realistic power systems …