[PDF][PDF] La tecnología digital en la educación musical: una revisión de la literatura científica
La Educación Musical se caracteriza por una transformación constante en la cual muchos
docentes se han sumado a las diferentes propuestas que ofrece la tecnología digital en el …
docentes se han sumado a las diferentes propuestas que ofrece la tecnología digital en el …
Research trends in social network sites' educational use: a review of publications in all SSCI journals to 2015
G Akçayır, M Akçayır - Review of Education, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
In the current study, 247 articles dealing with the use of SNS s (social network sites) in
education and published in Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) journals up to 2015 were …
education and published in Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) journals up to 2015 were …
Teaching musical instruments during COVID-19: teachers assess struggles, relations with students, and leveraging
T Vaizman - Music Education Research, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT COVID-19 forced extreme measures in cities worldwide, including school
shutdowns and limited social contact. Semi-structured interviews with 14 Israeli music …
shutdowns and limited social contact. Semi-structured interviews with 14 Israeli music …
Curriculum stasis: the disconnect between music and technology in the Australian curriculum
Technology is a dominant mediating factor impacting on current human behaviour and
social change, which both acts on and is acted upon by other phenomena. This changing …
social change, which both acts on and is acted upon by other phenomena. This changing …
La competencia digital en el profesorado de música durante la pandemia derivada de la COVID-19
La actual pandemia de la COVID-19 ha obligado de forma abrupta a modificar los procesos
de enseñanza-aprendizaje en todos los escenarios educativos. Esto ha hecho que el …
de enseñanza-aprendizaje en todos los escenarios educativos. Esto ha hecho que el …
'It's music and we came to play instruments': teaching for engagement in classroom music
E Wilson - Music Education Research, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents findings from ethnographic case study research that investigated
teacher practices and student engagement in classroom music. The data collection was …
teacher practices and student engagement in classroom music. The data collection was …
Itinerarios formativos del profesorado de música: sus percepciones sobre el valor didáctico de las TIC/The training routes of music teachers: perceptions on the …
En esta investigación se pretende, en primer lugar, identificar los itinerarios formativos que
el profesorado de Música sigue para el ejercicio de su docencia en Educación Secundaria …
el profesorado de Música sigue para el ejercicio de su docencia en Educación Secundaria …
The Use of ICT in Secondary Music Education and Its Relationship with Teachers' Beliefs.
One of the most notable effects that COVID-19 has engendered in education is the ICT use
in teaching at all educational levels. This study provides data on the ICT usage by teachers …
in teaching at all educational levels. This study provides data on the ICT usage by teachers …
Relationship between the use of ICT in secondary education music teaching and teachers' beliefs
El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la docencia se ha
incrementado considerablemente en los últimos años, especialmente a consecuencia de la …
incrementado considerablemente en los últimos años, especialmente a consecuencia de la …
Retuning music teaching: Online music tutorials preferences as predictors of amateur musicians' music self-efficacy in informal music learning
Music self-efficacy has been acknowledged as a strong predictor of successful performance
among musicians and music students, but is less researched among amateur musicians …
among musicians and music students, but is less researched among amateur musicians …