Two cognitive and neural systems for endogenous and exogenous spatial attention
Orienting of spatial attention is a family of phylogenetically old mechanisms developed to
select information for further processing. Information can be selected via top-down or …
select information for further processing. Information can be selected via top-down or …
The restless brain
ME Raichle - Brain connectivity, 2011 -
The pressing need to better understand human brain organization is appreciated by all who
have labored to explain the uniqueness of human behavior in health and disease. Early …
have labored to explain the uniqueness of human behavior in health and disease. Early …
Frontoparietal cortex controls spatial attention through modulation of anticipatory alpha rhythms
A dorsal frontoparietal network, including regions in intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and frontal eye
field (FEF), has been hypothesized to control the allocation of spatial attention to …
field (FEF), has been hypothesized to control the allocation of spatial attention to …
Distinct mechanisms for distractor suppression and target facilitation
It is well established that preparatory attention improves processing of task-relevant stimuli.
Although it is often more important to ignore task-irrelevant stimuli, comparatively little is …
Although it is often more important to ignore task-irrelevant stimuli, comparatively little is …
Selective inhibition of distracting input
We review a series of studies exploring distractor suppression. It is often assumed that
preparatory distractor suppression is controlled via top-down mechanisms of attention akin …
preparatory distractor suppression is controlled via top-down mechanisms of attention akin …
Resting state network estimation in individual subjects
Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used to study brain
networks associated with both normal and pathological cognitive functions. The objective of …
networks associated with both normal and pathological cognitive functions. The objective of …
Complementary hemispheric specialization for language production and visuospatial attention
Language production and spatial attention are the most salient lateralized cerebral
functions, and their complementary specialization has been observed in the majority of the …
functions, and their complementary specialization has been observed in the majority of the …
Occipital alpha activity during stimulus processing gates the information flow to object-selective cortex
Given the limited processing capabilities of the sensory system, it is essential that attended
information is gated to downstream areas, whereas unattended information is blocked …
information is gated to downstream areas, whereas unattended information is blocked …
Indexing the graded allocation of visuospatial attention using anticipatory alpha oscillations
Lateralization in the desynchronization of anticipatory occipitoparietal alpha (8–12 Hz)
oscillations has been implicated in the allocation of selective visuospatial attention. Previous …
oscillations has been implicated in the allocation of selective visuospatial attention. Previous …
Is listening in noise worth it? The neurobiology of speech recognition in challenging listening conditions
This review examines findings from functional neuroimaging studies of speech recognition
in noise to provide a neural systems level explanation for the effort and fatigue that can be …
in noise to provide a neural systems level explanation for the effort and fatigue that can be …