[HTML][HTML] Broken foreland basins and the influence of subduction dynamics, tectonic inheritance, and mechanical triggers
Broken foreland basins are caused by crustal-scale contractional basement structures that
compartmentalize (or break) a contiguous retroarc or collisional foreland basin into smaller …
compartmentalize (or break) a contiguous retroarc or collisional foreland basin into smaller …
Andean retroarc-basin dune fields and Pampean Sand Sea (Argentina): Provenance and drainage changes driven by tectonics and climate
We here review in terms of tectono-magmatic setting and Quaternary landscape dynamics
what is known about the provenance of Argentine dune fields and their fluvial feeder …
what is known about the provenance of Argentine dune fields and their fluvial feeder …
Detrital zircon record of Phanerozoic magmatism in the southern Central Andes
The spatial and temporal distribution of arc magmatism and associated isotopic variations
provide insights into the Phanerozoic history of the western margin of South America during …
provide insights into the Phanerozoic history of the western margin of South America during …
The Manantiales basin, southern Central Andes (∼ 32 S), preserves a record of late Eocene–Miocene episodic growth of an east‐vergent orogenic wedge
The Manantiales basin contains> 4 km of nonmarine sedimentary strata that accumulated at
31.75–32.5° S during construction of the High Andes. We report field and analytical data …
31.75–32.5° S during construction of the High Andes. We report field and analytical data …
Neogene retroarc foreland basin evolution, sediment provenance, and magmatism in response to flat slab subduction, western Argentina
Understanding the effects of flat slab subduction on mountain building, arc magmatism, and
basin evolution is fundamental to convergent‐margin tectonics, with implications for …
basin evolution is fundamental to convergent‐margin tectonics, with implications for …
Andean mountain building and foreland basin evolution during thin‐and thick‐skinned Neogene deformation (32–33° S)
Abstract The southern Central Andes recorded retroarc shortening, basin evolution, and
magmatic arc migration during Neogene changes in subduction. At 31–33° S, above the …
magmatic arc migration during Neogene changes in subduction. At 31–33° S, above the …
Transcontinental retroarc sediment routing controlled by subduction geometry and climate change (Central and Southern Andes, Argentina)
Abstract Central Argentina from the Pampean flat‐slab segment to northern Patagonia (27°–
41° S) represents a classic example of a broken retroarc basin with strong tectonic and …
41° S) represents a classic example of a broken retroarc basin with strong tectonic and …
The southern extension of the Eocene Andean orogeny: New sedimentary record of the foreland basin in the southern Central Andes at 32° S
J Suriano, AC Lossada, JB Mahoney, AM Tedesco… - Basin …, 2023 - earthdoc.org
The Eocene compressional phase is well known to have contributed to the construction of
the Andes orogen at latitudes north of 30° S, but its extension to the south has not been fully …
the Andes orogen at latitudes north of 30° S, but its extension to the south has not been fully …
Tectonic and climatic significance of Oligocene-Miocene eolian sandstones in the Andean foreland basin of Argentina
Abstract Late Oligocene-early Miocene aridification in the retroarc foreland basin adjacent to
the southern central Andes was recorded by widespread eolian conditions that coincided …
the southern central Andes was recorded by widespread eolian conditions that coincided …
Active thrust tectonics along the western slope of the Central Andes southernmost Pampean flat-slab segment (∼ 33° S, Chile): The Cariño Botado fault system
Along the western slope of the Central Andes in the southernmost part of the Pampean flat-
slab subduction zone segment (∼ 33° S), crustal Quaternary west-vergent reverse faults are …
slab subduction zone segment (∼ 33° S), crustal Quaternary west-vergent reverse faults are …