[HTML][HTML] Visible light communications: A survey on recent high-capacity demonstrations and digital modulation techniques

PA Loureiro, FP Guiomar, PP Monteiro - Photonics, 2023 - mdpi.com
In order to deal with the increasing number of mobile devices and with their demand for
Internet services, particularly social media platforms, streaming video, and online gaming …

Introducing enumerative sphere sha** for optical communication systems with short blocklengths

A Amari, S Goossens, YC Gültekin… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2019 - opg.optica.org
Probabilistic sha** based on constant composition distribution matching (CCDM) has
received considerable attention as a way to increase the capacity of fiber optical …

Geometrically-shaped multi-dimensional modulation formats in coherent optical transmission systems

B Chen, Y Lei, G Liga, Z Liang, W Ling… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Sha** modulation formats in multi-dimensional (MD) space is an effective approach to
harvest spectral efficiency gains in both the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel …

End-to-end learning for GMI optimized geometric constellation shape

RT Jones, MP Yankov, D Zibar - 45th European Conference on Optical …, 2019 - IET
Autoencoder-based geometric sha** is proposed that includes optimizing bit map**s.
Up to 0.2 bits/QAM symbol gain in GMI is achieved for a variety of data rates and in the …

End-to-end learning of geometrical sha** maximizing generalized mutual information

K Gümüş, A Alvarado, B Chen… - 2020 Optical Fiber …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
GMI-based end-to-end learning is shown to be highly nonconvex. We apply gradient
descent initialized with Gray-labeled APSK constellations directly to the constellation …

[HTML][HTML] Probabilistic sha** for finite blocklengths: Distribution matching and sphere sha**

YC Gültekin, T Fehenberger, A Alvarado, FMJ Willems - Entropy, 2020 - mdpi.com
In this paper, we provide a systematic comparison of distribution matching (DM) and sphere
sha** (SpSh) algorithms for short blocklength probabilistic amplitude sha**. For …

Polarization-ring-switching for nonlinearity-tolerant geometrically shaped four-dimensional formats maximizing generalized mutual information

B Chen, C Okonkwo, H Hafermann… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, a new four-dimensional 64-ary polarization ring switching (4D-64PRS)
modulation format with a spectral efficiency of 6 bit/4D-sym is introduced. The format is …

Analysis and experimental demonstration of orthant-symmetric four-dimensional 7 bit/4D-sym modulation for optical fiber communication

B Chen, A Alvarado, S van der Heide… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2021 - opg.optica.org
We propose a new four-dimensional orthant-symmetric 128-ary modulation format (4D-
OS128) with a spectral efficiency of 7 bit/4D-sym. The proposed format fills the gap between …

74.38 Tb/s transmission over 6300 km single mode fibre enabled by C+ L amplification and geometrically shaped PDM-64QAM

M Ionescu, D Lavery, A Edwards… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Ultrawide-bandwidth optical amplification over almost 90 nm, covering the C+ L bands, is
described. Complemented by system-tailored geometrical constellation sha** and …

Optimizing probabilistic constellation sha** for amplifier-less coherent optical links

BM Oliveira, A Lorences-Riesgo… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2021 - opg.optica.org
Coherent optical systems for short-reach links have seen a boost in their popularity with the
standardization of 400ZR. These systems need to be cost and power-efficient, while co** …