The role of grit for college students in Indonesia

KR Dyantari, N Simarmata - Insight: Jurnal …, 2023 -
One of the main foundations for the development of an individual's quality and potential in all
facets of life is education. Moreover, as one of the agents of bringing about positive change …

Dukungan sosial dan subjective well-being pada mahasiswa rantau

SD Al Amelia, H Pratikto, EE Nainggolan - INNER: Journal of …, 2022 -
This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the correlation between social support
and subjective well-being in overseas students. The method used in this study uses a …

Grit as a solution for academic stress in students during the covid-19 pandemic

N Ardis, M Aliza - … of Inter-Islamic University Conference on …, 2021 -
The COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on the education sector, where the learning
system is switched from conventional to online. This creates academic stress on students …

Gambaran Grit Pada Mahasiswa di Indonesia

LF Fun, HL Mikarsa, DK Putri - Scholaria: Jurnal Pendidikan dan …, 2023 -
This study aims to provide an overview of grit among Indonesian university students with
quantitative design. The respondents in this study were 720 individuals selected through …

Pengaruh self regulated learning, grit terhadap stres akademik dalam pembelajaran online dimasa pandemi COVID-19 pada mahasiswa di Kota Padang berbasis …

I Candra, M Rani - Jurnal Psikohumanika, 2022 -
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self-regulated learning, grit on
academic stress in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic on students in the city of …

Grit dan Regulasi Diri Dalam Belajar Pada Mahasiswa Tahun Pertama

SA Bata, A Huwae - G-Couns: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2023 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara grit dengan regulasi diri dalam
belajar pada mahasiswa tahun pertama. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif dengan …

Academic stress reviewed from self-adjustment, learning saturation, and grit

H Lubis, M Oktafia, AP Putri - Indonesian Journal Of …, 2022 -
The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the learning process into E-Learning
at home, but academic demands have not changed. Instead, they have increased to the …

Hubungan antara grit dengan subjective well-being pada guru honorer

E Hestiningsih, RYE Kusumiati - Jurnal Bimbingan Dan …, 2022 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara grit dengan subjective well-being
pada guru honorer. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah adanya hubungan positif yang …

Authoritative, permissive, dan authoritarian parenting style kaitannya dengan grit mahasiswa

MQA Syauqi, IM Agung - Psikobuletin: Buletin Ilmiah …, 2021 -
Grit merupakan hal penting yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan studinya,
hal ini dikarenakan dalam proses studinya mahasiswa harus dapat tekun dengan bekerja …

Hubungan regulasi emosi dengan subjective well being pada remaja yang tinggal di pondok pesantren

RW Widiastuti, W Widyastuti - Jurnal Mahasiswa BK An-Nur …, 2023 -
Adolescents with high subjective well being will experience life satisfaction and experience
joy more often, and rarely experience unpleasant emotions, such as sadness and anger …