A pragmatic framework for the application of new approach methodologies in one health toxicological risk assessment

KA Magurany, X Chang, R Clewell… - Toxicological …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Globally, industries and regulatory authorities are faced with an urgent need to assess the
potential adverse effects of chemicals more efficiently by embracing new approach …

Recent advances and current challenges of new approach methodologies in developmental and adult neurotoxicity testing

MM Serafini, S Sepehri, M Midali, M Stinckens… - Archives of …, 2024 - Springer
Adult neurotoxicity (ANT) and developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) assessments aim to
understand the adverse effects and underlying mechanisms of toxicants on the human …

Current status and future directions for a neurotoxicity hazard assessment framework that integrates in silico approaches

KM Crofton, A Bassan, M Behl, YG Chushak… - Computational …, 2022 - Elsevier
Neurotoxicology is the study of adverse effects on the structure or function of the develo**
or mature adult nervous system following exposure to chemical, biological, or physical …

Profiling mechanisms that drive acute oral toxicity in mammals and its prediction via machine learning

SJ Wijeyesakere, T Auernhammer, A Parks… - Toxicological …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
We present a mechanistic machine-learning quantitative structure-activity relationship
(QSAR) model to predict mammalian acute oral toxicity. We trained our model using a rat …

Application of evolving new approach methodologies for chemical safety assessment

RS Settivari, A Martini, S Wijeyesakere, A Toltin… - A Comprehensive Guide …, 2024 - Elsevier
The field of toxicology and safety assessment is in a major transformation period
represented by a shift from animal-intensive observational science to new approach …

Identification of sulfonamide-based butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors using machine learning

A Ganeshpurkar, R Singh, D Kumar… - Future Medicinal …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Aim: This study reports the designing of BChE inhibitors through machine learning (ML),
followed by in silico and in vitro evaluations. Methodology: ML technique was used to predict …

Animal metrics: Tracking contributions of new approach methods to reduced animal use

MS Marty, AK Andrus, KA Groff - ALTEX-Alternatives to animal …, 2022 - altex.org
Many companies and global regulatory programs have expressed the intent to move away
from in vivo animal testing to new approach methods (NAMs) as part of product safety …

Machine-learning model predicts interaction with γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) ergic neurotransmission

SJ Wijeyesakere, D Wilson, T Auernhammer… - Applied In Vitro …, 2022 - liebertpub.com
Introduction: We are develo** computational models for basic nervous system pathways
for use in toxicology, pharmacology, and medicine. γ-Amino butyric acid (GABA) is the major …

In Silico Toxicology

A Bassan, L Beilke, KP Cross, C Johnson… - Drug Discovery and …, 2024 - Springer
The chapter describes in silico methodologies and models based on structure-activity
relationships to predict toxicological endpoints. It provides an overview of relevant in silico …

Computational Toxicology

SJ Wijeyesakere, RJ Richardson - Patty's Toxicology, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter briefly explores the principles and application of predictive computational
approaches (cheminformatics) to the field of toxicology. In recent years, regulatory and …