A review of artificial intelligence to enhance the security of big data systems: state-of-art, methodologies, applications, and challenges
D Dai, S Boroomand - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2022 - Springer
Technological advancements modernize the way we live with the changes made both
globally and nationwide. These technological improvements also cause adverse effects in …
globally and nationwide. These technological improvements also cause adverse effects in …
Mango leaf disease identification and classification using a CNN architecture optimized by crossover-based levy flight distribution algorithm
M Prabu, BJ Chelliah - Neural Computing and Applications, 2022 - Springer
Mango leaf diseases have a negative impact on mango quality and yield. It is difficult to
make an accurate diagnosis of mango leaf disease diagnosis with the naked eye. A lot of …
make an accurate diagnosis of mango leaf disease diagnosis with the naked eye. A lot of …
An efficient cloud‐based healthcare services paradigm for chronic kidney disease prediction application using boosted support vector machine
Cloud computing is the on‐demand access to computer resources such as applications,
servers, data storage, development tools, networking capabilities, and other resources that …
servers, data storage, development tools, networking capabilities, and other resources that …
Adaptive learning style prediction in e-learning environment using levy flight distribution based CNN model
S Alshmrany - Cluster Computing, 2022 - Springer
A learning style that focuses on individual learning is one of the most important aspects of
any learning environment. Each learner has a unique manner of understanding, retaining …
any learning environment. Each learner has a unique manner of understanding, retaining …
Intelligent ad-hoc-on demand multipath distance vector for wormhole attack in clustered WSN
S Singh, HS Saini - Wireless Personal Communications, 2022 - Springer
Abstract In Wireless Senor Networks, security is the most significant issue when sending
such an essential message via wireless connection. This helps attackers to access the …
such an essential message via wireless connection. This helps attackers to access the …
Local and global characteristics-based kernel hybridization to increase optimal support vector machine performance for stock market prediction
MM Gowthul Alam, S Baulkani - Knowledge and Information Systems, 2019 - Springer
In this paper, a novel multi-kernel support vector machine (MKSVM) combining global and
local characteristics of the input data is proposed. Along with, a parameter tuning approach …
local characteristics of the input data is proposed. Along with, a parameter tuning approach …
A cloud-based platform for soybean plant disease classification using archimedes optimization based hybrid deep learning model
Bean which is botanically called Phaseolus vulgaris L. belongs to the Fabaceae family.
Unnecessary economic losses arise during bean disease identification due to a delay in …
Unnecessary economic losses arise during bean disease identification due to a delay in …
Behavior-based swarm model using fuzzy controller for route planning and E-waste collection
Nowadays, because of the increase in consumption of electronic equipment and its resource
utilization, household e-waste has been generated gradually. The increase in e-waste …
utilization, household e-waste has been generated gradually. The increase in e-waste …
Adaptive trust-based secure and optimal route selection algorithm for MANET using hybrid fuzzy optimization
S Ravi, S Matheswaran, U Perumal… - Peer-to-Peer Networking …, 2023 - Springer
Due to the dynamic nature of network topology, routing has been recently identified as the
most serious challenge in MANET. For effective routing in MANET, route discovery and …
most serious challenge in MANET. For effective routing in MANET, route discovery and …
Sentiment analysis of social media data based on chaotic coyote optimization algorithm based time weight‐AdaBoost support vector machine approach
Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is exploited in business, customer services, and so
forth, where people provide their opinions in the form of reviews. However, the people's …
forth, where people provide their opinions in the form of reviews. However, the people's …