[HTML][HTML] End-functionalized polymers: Versatile building blocks for soft materials

FL Verso, CN Likos - Polymer, 2008 - Elsevier
We present a concise review of telechelic polymers of various architectures, focusing on the
structure, solute solvent interactions, aggregation processes, equilibrium and dynamical …

Size and persistence length of molecular bottle-brushes by Monte Carlo simulations

S Elli, F Ganazzoli, EG Timoshenko… - The Journal of …, 2004 - pubs.aip.org
Single-chain simulations of densely branched comb polymers, or “molecular bottle-brushes”
with side-chains attached to every (or every second) backbone monomer, were carried out …

Simulation of dilute solutions of linear and star-branched polymers by dissipative particle dynamics

MM Nardai, G Zifferer - The Journal of chemical physics, 2009 - pubs.aip.org
A most promising off-lattice technique in order to simulate not only static but in addition
dynamic behavior of linear and star-branched chains is the dissipative particle dynamics …

Aggregation phenomena in telechelic star polymer solutions

F Lo Verso, AZ Panagiotopoulos, CN Likos - Physical Review E—Statistical …, 2009 - APS
Telechelic star polymers are macromolecules with functionalized, mutually attractive end
groups. We employ computer simulations on a lattice to investigate the phase behavior of …

Collapse of telechelic star polymers to watermelon structures

FL Verso, CN Likos, C Mayer, H Löwen - Physical review letters, 2006 - APS
Conformational properties of star-shaped polymer aggregates that carry attractive end
groups, called telechelic star polymers, are investigated by simulation and analytical …

Complexation in weakly attractive copolymers with varying composition and topology: Linking fluorescence experiments and molecular Monte Carlo simulations

P Hebbeker, AA Steinschulte, S Schneider… - …, 2016 - ACS Publications
The intramolecular complex formation occurring in miktoarm star polymers and block
copolymers is investigated experimentally and by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The …

Polyelectrolyte–surfactant complex: phases of self-assembled structures

C Von Ferber, H Löwen - Faraday Discussions, 2005 - pubs.rsc.org
We study the structure of complexes formed between ionic surfactants (SF) and a single
oppositely charged polyelectrolyte (PE) chain. For our computer simulation we use the …

Computer simulation of thermally sensitive telechelic star polymers

F Lo Verso, CN Likos, H Löwen - The Journal of Physical …, 2007 - ACS Publications
Using molecular dynamics simulations, we study the conformational properties of thermally
sensitive telechelic star polymers that carry attractive end groups. The telechelic star …

Self-assembly scenarios of block copolymer stars

C Koch, CN Likos, AZ Panagiotopoulos… - Molecular …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
We examine the self-organization scenarios of star-shaped AB-block copolymers, consisting
of a solvophilic A-block and a solvophobic B-block, in which f such blocks are chemically …

A Monte Carlo study of amphiphilic dendrimers: Spontaneous asymmetry and dendron separation

G Giupponi, DMA Buzza - The Journal of chemical physics, 2005 - pubs.aip.org
We study via Monte Carlo simulation the conformation of amphiphilic dendrimers for which
terminal monomers (t) and internal monomers (i) interact differently with the solvent (s)⁠ …