Ten years tracking the migrations of small landbirds: Lessons learned in the golden age of bio-logging
In 2007, the first miniature light-level geolocators were deployed on small landbirds,
revolutionizing the study of migration. In this paper, we review studies that have used …
revolutionizing the study of migration. In this paper, we review studies that have used …
Drivers of demographic decline across the annual cycle of a threatened migratory bird
Migratory species are rapidly declining but we rarely know which periods of the annual cycle
are limiting for most species. This knowledge is needed to effectively allocate conservation …
are limiting for most species. This knowledge is needed to effectively allocate conservation …
Integrating data types to estimate spatial patterns of avian migration across the Western Hemisphere
For many avian species, spatial migration patterns remain largely undescribed, especially
across hemispheric extents. Recent advancements in tracking technologies and high …
across hemispheric extents. Recent advancements in tracking technologies and high …
Concentration of a widespread breeding population in a few critically important nonbreeding areas: Migratory connectivity in the Prothonotary Warbler
One of the greatest challenges to informed conservation of migratory animals is elucidating
spatiotemporal variation in distributions. Without such information, it is impossible to …
spatiotemporal variation in distributions. Without such information, it is impossible to …
The strength of migratory connectivity for birds en route to breeding through the Gulf of Mexico
The strength of migratory connectivity is a measure of the cohesion of populations among
phases of the annual cycle, including breeding, migration, and wintering. Many Nearctic …
phases of the annual cycle, including breeding, migration, and wintering. Many Nearctic …
Genetic evidence for widespread population size expansion in North American boreal birds prior to the Last Glacial Maximum
Pleistocene climate cycles are well documented to have shaped contemporary species
distributions and genetic diversity. Northward range expansions in response to deglaciation …
distributions and genetic diversity. Northward range expansions in response to deglaciation …
[HTML][HTML] Global studies of the host-parasite relationships between ectoparasitic mites of the family Syringophilidae and birds of the order Columbiformes
Simple Summary Mites of the family Syringophilidae (Acariformes: Cheyletoidea)—also
called quill mites—are permanent and highly specialized ectoparasites of birds living inside …
called quill mites—are permanent and highly specialized ectoparasites of birds living inside …
Migration‐tracking integrated phylogeography supports long‐distance dispersal‐driven divergence for a migratory bird species in the Japanese archipelago
Long‐distance dispersal (LDD) outside a species' breeding range contributes to genetic
divergence. Previous phylogeographic studies of migratory bird species have not …
divergence. Previous phylogeographic studies of migratory bird species have not …
[HTML][HTML] Prevalence and diversity of parasitic bird lice (Insecta: Psocodea) in northeast Arkansas
PJ Brewer, AD Sweet - International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Many groups of parasites lack basic information on biodiversity and host associations, which
poses challenges for conservation and understanding the ecological relationships between …
poses challenges for conservation and understanding the ecological relationships between …
[HTML][HTML] Mite Fauna of the Family Syringophilidae (Acariformes: Prostigmata) Parasitizing Darwin's Finches in Galápagos Archipelago
Due to the biological uniqueness of the Galápagos Islands, ectoparasites of their avian
fauna are relatively well-studied compared with other oceanic islands. However, in this …
fauna are relatively well-studied compared with other oceanic islands. However, in this …