[HTML][HTML] Regulation of body temperature by the nervous system
The regulation of body temperature is one of the most critical functions of the nervous
system. Here we review our current understanding of thermoregulation in mammals. We …
system. Here we review our current understanding of thermoregulation in mammals. We …
The calcium–cancer signalling nexus
The calcium signal is a powerful and multifaceted tool by which cells can achieve specific
outcomes. Cellular machinery important in tumour progression is often driven or influenced …
outcomes. Cellular machinery important in tumour progression is often driven or influenced …
Central mechanisms for thermoregulation
Maintenance of a homeostatic body core temperature is a critical brain function
accomplished by a central neural network. This orchestrates a complex behavioral and …
accomplished by a central neural network. This orchestrates a complex behavioral and …
[HTML][HTML] Targeting calcium signaling in cancer therapy
C Cui, R Merritt, L Fu, Z Pan - Acta pharmaceutica sinica B, 2017 - Elsevier
The intracellular calcium ions (Ca 2+) act as second messenger to regulate gene
transcription, cell proliferation, migration and death. Accumulating evidences have …
transcription, cell proliferation, migration and death. Accumulating evidences have …
Human physiological responses to cold exposure: Acute responses and acclimatization to prolonged exposure
JW Castellani, AJ Young - Autonomic Neuroscience, 2016 - Elsevier
Cold exposure in humans causes specific acute and chronic physiological responses. This
paper will review both the acute and long-term physiological responses and external factors …
paper will review both the acute and long-term physiological responses and external factors …
Smooth muscle ion channels and regulation of vascular tone in resistance arteries and arterioles
Vascular tone of resistance arteries and arterioles determines peripheral vascular
resistance, contributing to the regulation of blood pressure and blood flow to, and within the …
resistance, contributing to the regulation of blood pressure and blood flow to, and within the …
Skin temperature: its role in thermoregulation
AA Romanovsky - Acta physiologica, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This review analyses whether skin temperature represents ambient temperature and serves
as a feedforward signal for the thermoregulation system, or whether it is one of the body's …
as a feedforward signal for the thermoregulation system, or whether it is one of the body's …
Peripheral thermosensation in mammals
Our ability to perceive temperature is crucial: it enables us to swiftly react to noxiously cold or
hot objects and helps us to maintain a constant body temperature. Sensory nerve endings …
hot objects and helps us to maintain a constant body temperature. Sensory nerve endings …
[HTML][HTML] A computationally informed distinction of interoception and exteroception
While interoception is of major neuroscientific interest, its precise definition and delineation
from exteroception continue to be debated. Here, we propose a functional distinction …
from exteroception continue to be debated. Here, we propose a functional distinction …
The thermoregulation system and how it works
AA Romanovsky - Handbook of clinical neurology, 2018 - Elsevier
Heat exchange processes between the body and the environment are introduced. The
definition of the thermoneutral zone as the ambient temperature range within which body …
definition of the thermoneutral zone as the ambient temperature range within which body …