Groundwater quality and health: making the invisible visible

Y Wang, S Yuan, J Shi, T Ma, X **e… - Environmental …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Linking groundwater quality to health will make the invisible groundwater visible, but there
are knowledge gaps to understand the linkage which requires cross-disciplinary convergent …

Expanding the role of reactive transport models in critical zone processes

L Li, K Maher, A Navarre-Sitchler, J Druhan, C Meile… - Earth-science …, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Models test our understanding of processes and can reach beyond the spatial and
temporal scales of measurements. Multi-component Reactive Transport Models (RTMs) …

Reactive transport codes for subsurface environmental simulation

CI Steefel, CAJ Appelo, B Arora, D Jacques… - Computational …, 2015 - Springer
A general description of the mathematical and numerical formulations used in modern
numerical reactive transport codes relevant for subsurface environmental simulations is …

Evaluating the performance of parallel subsurface simulators: An illustrative example with PFLOTRAN

GE Hammond, PC Lichtner… - Water resources research, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
To better inform the subsurface scientist on the expected performance of parallel simulators,
this work investigates performance of the reactive multiphase flow and multicomponent …

[HTML][HTML] Fluid flow and CO2–fluid–mineral interactions during CO2-storage in sedimentary basins

N Kampman, M Bickle, M Wigley, B Dubacq - Chemical Geology, 2014 - Elsevier
Modelling the progress of geochemical processes in CO 2 storage sites is frustrated by
uncertainties in the rates of CO 2 flow and dissolution, and in the rates and controlling …

CO2 sequestration in feldspar-rich sandstone: coupled evolution of fluid chemistry, mineral reaction rates, and hydrogeochemical properties

BM Tutolo, AJ Luhmann, XZ Kong, MO Saar… - … et cosmochimica acta, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract To investigate CO 2 Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) in sandstones, we
performed three 150° C flow-through experiments on K-feldspar-rich cores from the Eau …

Developments since 2005 in understanding potential environmental impacts of CO2 leakage from geological storage

DG Jones, SE Beaubien, JC Blackford… - International Journal of …, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper reviews research into the potential environmental impacts of leakage from
geological storage of CO 2 since the publication of the IPCC Special Report on Carbon …

[HTML][HTML] Key factors for determining groundwater impacts due to leakage from geologic carbon sequestration reservoirs

SA Carroll, E Keating, K Mansoor, Z Dai, Y Sun… - International Journal of …, 2014 - Elsevier
In this paper we describe potential impacts to groundwater quality due to CO 2 and brine
leakage, discuss an approach to calculate thresholds under which “no impact” to …

Understanding watershed hydrogeochemistry: 1. Development of RT‐Flux‐PIHM

C Bao, L Li, Y Shi, C Duffy - Water Resources Research, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Model development in hydrology and geochemistry has been advancing separately
with limited integration. We developed a watershed hydrogeochemical code RT‐Flux‐PIHM …

Managing well leakage risks at a geologic carbon storage site with many wells

G Lackey, VS Vasylkivska, NJ Huerta, S King… - International Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
Potential geologic carbon storage (GCS) sites with a history of oil and gas production have
well-characterized injectivity and storage capacity, but the presence of legacy wells …