
F Moriarty - Human toxicology, 1988 -
1 Ecotoxicology is concerned ultimately with the effects of pollutants on populations not
individuals. Sub-lethal effects, and changes to the environment, can have a greater impact …

[LIBRO][B] Ecology: from individuals to ecosystems

M Begon, CR Townsend - 2020 -
A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated
The revised and updated fifth edition of Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems–now in full …

[LIBRO][B] Essentials of ecology.

CR Townsend, JL Harper, M Begon - 2000 -
This book provides an introductory text in ecology aimed at undergraduate students and is
divided into sections entitled: introduction; conditions and resources; individuals …

The role of adult feeding in egg production and population dynamics of the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas editha

DD Murphy, AE Launer, PR Ehrlich - Oecologia, 1983 - Springer
Carbohydrate intake increases longevity, body weight maintenance and egg production in
female Euphydryas editha. Amino acid intake leads to heavier eggs, larvae from which are …

A new method for the identification of key factors from life-table data

H Podoler, D Rogers - The journal of animal ecology, 1975 - JSTOR
(1) The paper presents a simple method for identifying key factors following graphical key
factor analysis of life-table data. The new method not only identifies key factors but also …

The effects of a sublethal baculovirus infection in the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella

SM Sait, M Begon, DJ Thompson - Journal of Animal Ecology, 1994 - JSTOR
1. Baculoviruses are often highly pathogenic to their insect hosts, but theoretical studies
have shown that sublethal infections may also play an important role in host population …

Pests of stored grains

AK Tripathi - Pests and their management, 2018 - Springer
India's grain production has steadily increased due to advances in technology, but
postharvest loss is constant at 10%. Losses during storage account for around 6% of the …

[LIBRO][B] Post-harvest tobacco infestation control

L Ryan - 1995 -
In this manual, Post-harvest Tobacco Infestation Control, we have addressed the'state-of-the-
art'and given little account of obsolete techniques. With contributing authors from …

Artificial diet significantly enhance fitness and be applicable in mass-rearing of Ephestia elutella (Hübner)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

XQ Wang, A Güncan, HD Ou, HX Li, L Wei, MF Yang - Crop Protection, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Ephestia elutella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is a cosmopolitan and polyphagous pest
attack a wide variety of stored products. To better understand the effect of an artificial diet …

Two-species asymmetric competition: effects of age structure on intra-and interspecific interactions

TC Cameron, HJ Wearing, P Rohani, SM Sait - Journal of Animal Ecology, 2007 - JSTOR
1. The patterns of density-dependent resource competition and the mechanisms leading to
competitive exclusion in an experimental two-species insect age-structured interaction were …