F Moriarty - Human toxicology, 1988 - journals.sagepub.com
1 Ecotoxicology is concerned ultimately with the effects of pollutants on populations not
individuals. Sub-lethal effects, and changes to the environment, can have a greater impact …
individuals. Sub-lethal effects, and changes to the environment, can have a greater impact …
[LIBRO][B] Ecology: from individuals to ecosystems
M Begon, CR Townsend - 2020 - books.google.com
A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated
The revised and updated fifth edition of Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems–now in full …
The revised and updated fifth edition of Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems–now in full …
[LIBRO][B] Essentials of ecology.
CR Townsend, JL Harper, M Begon - 2000 - cabidigitallibrary.org
This book provides an introductory text in ecology aimed at undergraduate students and is
divided into sections entitled: introduction; conditions and resources; individuals …
divided into sections entitled: introduction; conditions and resources; individuals …
The role of adult feeding in egg production and population dynamics of the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas editha
DD Murphy, AE Launer, PR Ehrlich - Oecologia, 1983 - Springer
Carbohydrate intake increases longevity, body weight maintenance and egg production in
female Euphydryas editha. Amino acid intake leads to heavier eggs, larvae from which are …
female Euphydryas editha. Amino acid intake leads to heavier eggs, larvae from which are …
A new method for the identification of key factors from life-table data
H Podoler, D Rogers - The journal of animal ecology, 1975 - JSTOR
(1) The paper presents a simple method for identifying key factors following graphical key
factor analysis of life-table data. The new method not only identifies key factors but also …
factor analysis of life-table data. The new method not only identifies key factors but also …
The effects of a sublethal baculovirus infection in the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella
1. Baculoviruses are often highly pathogenic to their insect hosts, but theoretical studies
have shown that sublethal infections may also play an important role in host population …
have shown that sublethal infections may also play an important role in host population …
Pests of stored grains
AK Tripathi - Pests and their management, 2018 - Springer
India's grain production has steadily increased due to advances in technology, but
postharvest loss is constant at 10%. Losses during storage account for around 6% of the …
postharvest loss is constant at 10%. Losses during storage account for around 6% of the …
[LIBRO][B] Post-harvest tobacco infestation control
L Ryan - 1995 - books.google.com
In this manual, Post-harvest Tobacco Infestation Control, we have addressed the'state-of-the-
art'and given little account of obsolete techniques. With contributing authors from …
art'and given little account of obsolete techniques. With contributing authors from …
Artificial diet significantly enhance fitness and be applicable in mass-rearing of Ephestia elutella (Hübner)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
XQ Wang, A Güncan, HD Ou, HX Li, L Wei, MF Yang - Crop Protection, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Ephestia elutella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is a cosmopolitan and polyphagous pest
attack a wide variety of stored products. To better understand the effect of an artificial diet …
attack a wide variety of stored products. To better understand the effect of an artificial diet …
Two-species asymmetric competition: effects of age structure on intra-and interspecific interactions
1. The patterns of density-dependent resource competition and the mechanisms leading to
competitive exclusion in an experimental two-species insect age-structured interaction were …
competitive exclusion in an experimental two-species insect age-structured interaction were …