Landscape changes and their hydrologic effects: Interactions and feedbacks across scales

CM Stephens, U Lall, FM Johnson, LA Marshall - Earth-Science Reviews, 2021 - Elsevier
Human activities have extensively altered landscapes throughout the world and further
changes are expected in the future. Anthropogenic impacts such as land use change …

Dryland ecohydrology and climate change: critical issues and technical advances

L Wang, P d'Odorico, JP Evans… - Hydrology and Earth …, 2012 -
Drylands cover about 40% of the terrestrial land surface and account for approximately 40%
of global net primary productivity. Water is fundamental to the biophysical processes that …

Climate forcing of wetland landscape connectivity in the Great Plains

NE McIntyre, CK Wright, S Swain… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Habitat connectivity is a landscape attribute critical to the long‐term viability of many wildlife
species, including migratory birds. Climate change has the potential to affect habitat …

[CARTE][B] Rangeland systems: processes, management and challenges

DD Briske - 2017 -
This book summarizes the current status of scientific and management knowledge regarding
global rangelands and the major challenges that confront them. It originated from …

Directional connectivity in hydrology and ecology

LG Larsen, J Choi, MK Nungesser… - Ecological …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Quantifying hydrologic and ecological connectivity has contributed to understanding
transport and dispersal processes and assessing ecosystem degradation or restoration …

The Delta Connectome: A network-based framework for studying connectivity in river deltas

P Passalacqua - Geomorphology, 2017 - Elsevier
Many deltas, including the Mississippi River Delta, have been losing land at fast rates
compromising the safety and sustainability of their ecosystems. Knowledge of delta …

Dynamic interactions of ecohydrological and biogeochemical processes in water‐limited systems

L Wang, S Manzoni, S Ravi, D Riveros-Iregui… - Ecosphere, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Water is the essential reactant, catalyst, or medium for many biogeochemical reactions, thus
playing an important role in the activation and deactivation of biogeochemical processes …

Divergent evapotranspiration partition dynamics between shrubs and grasses in a shrub‐encroached steppe ecosystem

P Wang, XY Li, L Wang, X Wu, X Hu, Y Fan… - New …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Previous evapotranspiration (ET) partitioning studies have usually neglected competitions
and interactions between antagonistic plant functional types. This study investigated …

Process connectivity in a naturally prograding river delta

A Sendrowski, P Passalacqua - Water Resources Research, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
River deltas are lowland systems that can display high hydrological connectivity. This
connectivity can be structural (morphological connections), functional (control of fluxes), and …

Soil moisture dynamics of typical ecosystems in response to precipitation: A monitoring-based analysis of hydrological service in the Qilian Mountains

F Sun, Y Lü, J Wang, J Hu, B Fu - Catena, 2015 - Elsevier
Hydrological service by soil under mountain ecosystems is a hot topic in current ecological
research. We monitored the precipitation and soil moisture dynamics and measured the soil …