Recent progress on wear‐resistant materials: designs, properties, and applications
There has been tremendous interest in the development of different innovative wear‐
resistant materials, which can help to reduce energy losses resulted from friction and wear …
resistant materials, which can help to reduce energy losses resulted from friction and wear …
Long-lived, transferred crystalline silicon carbide nanomembranes for implantable flexible electronics
Implantable electronics are of great interest owing to their capability for real-time and
continuous recording of cellular–electrical activity. Nevertheless, as such systems involve …
continuous recording of cellular–electrical activity. Nevertheless, as such systems involve …
Wear characteristics of atomic force microscopy tips: A review
KH Chung - International journal of precision engineering and …, 2014 - Springer
Based on the interaction between the extremely sharp tip and the sample, atomic force
microscopy (AFM) has been widely utilized to explore the surface phenomena at the nano …
microscopy (AFM) has been widely utilized to explore the surface phenomena at the nano …
A versatile sacrificial layer for transfer printing of wide bandgap materials for implantable and stretchable bioelectronics
Improving and optimizing the processes for transfer printing have the potential to further
enhance capabilities in heterogeneous integration of various sensing materials on …
enhance capabilities in heterogeneous integration of various sensing materials on …
Slippery and wear-resistant surfaces enabled by interface engineered graphene
Friction and wear remain the primary cause of mechanical energy dissipation and system
failure. Recent studies reveal graphene as a powerful solid lubricant to combat friction and …
failure. Recent studies reveal graphene as a powerful solid lubricant to combat friction and …
Mechanics of interaction and atomic-scale wear of amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy probes
Wear is one of the main factors that hinders the performance of probes for atomic force
microscopy (AFM), including for the widely used amplitude modulation (AM-AFM) mode …
microscopy (AFM), including for the widely used amplitude modulation (AM-AFM) mode …
The piezoresistive effect in top–down fabricated p-type 3C-SiC nanowires
This letter reports on the piezoresistive effect of top-down fabricated 3C-SiC nanowires
(NWs). Focused ion beam was utilized to create p-type 3C-SiC NWs from a 3C-SiC thin film …
(NWs). Focused ion beam was utilized to create p-type 3C-SiC NWs from a 3C-SiC thin film …
Boosting contact sliding and wear protection via atomic intermixing and tailoring of nanoscale interfaces
Friction and wear cause energy wastage and system failure. Usually, thicker overcoats serve
to combat such tribological concerns, but in many contact sliding systems, their large …
to combat such tribological concerns, but in many contact sliding systems, their large …
A state-of-the-art review on advanced ceramic materials: fabrication, characteristics, applications, and wettability
Purpose The purpose of this study is to prepare a state-of-the-art review on advanced
ceramic materials including their fabrication techniques, characteristics, applications and …
ceramic materials including their fabrication techniques, characteristics, applications and …
Atomistic simulation of the effect of roughness on nanoscale wear
At the macroscale, it is expected that surface roughness decreases adhesive wear and
increases abrasive wear, and both increase with load. Here we evaluate whether these …
increases abrasive wear, and both increase with load. Here we evaluate whether these …