A DFT investigation of mechanical, optical and thermoelectric properties of double perovskites K2AgAsX6 (X= Cl, Br) halides
M Zanib, MW Iqbal, M Manzoor, M Asghar… - Materials Science and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Focusing on renewable energy device applications, we explored double perovskites K 2
AgAsX 6 (X= Cl, Br) halides for the first time. We used WIEN2k (all-electron method) and …
AgAsX 6 (X= Cl, Br) halides for the first time. We used WIEN2k (all-electron method) and …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis of direct band gap A2ScInI6 (A= Rb, Cs) double perovskite halides using DFT approach for renewable energy devices
Double perovskite halides are probable renewable energy generation materials that are
believed to fulfill the requirements for solving energy scarcity problems. Therefore …
believed to fulfill the requirements for solving energy scarcity problems. Therefore …
Investigating the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the physical properties of cubic Sr3BCl3 (B= As, Sb) for improved optoelectronic applications: a DFT study
A Hosen - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
This article explores changes in the structural, electronic, elastic, and optical properties of
the novel cubic Sr 3 BCl 3 (B= As, Sb) with increasing pressure. This research aims to …
the novel cubic Sr 3 BCl 3 (B= As, Sb) with increasing pressure. This research aims to …
Pressure-Induced Band Gap Shifting from Ultra-violet to Visible Spectrum of Non-toxic RbCaBr3 Cubic Perovskite for Enhancing Optoelectronic Applications
This article comprehensively investigates the changes in structural, mechanical, electronic,
and optical properties of a nontoxic cubic inorganic compound, RbCaBr3, under hydrostatic …
and optical properties of a nontoxic cubic inorganic compound, RbCaBr3, under hydrostatic …
Ultra-violet to visible band gap engineering of cubic halide KCaCl 3 perovskite under pressure for optoelectronic applications: insights from DFT
Density functional theory is utilized to explore the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the
structural, electrical, optical, and mechanical properties of cubic halide perovskite KCaCl3 …
structural, electrical, optical, and mechanical properties of cubic halide perovskite KCaCl3 …
Physical properties of lead-free double perovskites A2SnI6 (A= Cs, Rb) using ab-initio calculations for solar cell applications
The study of physical characteristics of lead-free double perovskites A2SnI6 (A= Cs, Rb) are
investigated via density functional theory. The mechanical conductions are satisfied by Born …
investigated via density functional theory. The mechanical conductions are satisfied by Born …
[HTML][HTML] Investigation of the physical properties and pressure-induced band gap tuning of Sr3ZBr3 (Z= As, Sb) for optoelectronic and thermoelectric applications: A …
This study discusses the feasibility of diversifying the scope of application of lead-free Sr 3
ZBr 3 (Z= As, Sb) as promising materials for their enhanced electronic, mechanical, optical …
ZBr 3 (Z= As, Sb) as promising materials for their enhanced electronic, mechanical, optical …
First-principles calculations to explore the metallic behavior of semiconducting lead-free halide perovskites RbSnX3 (X = Cl, Br) under pressure
The ab initio calculations of structural, electronic, mechanical, and optical properties of
rubidium-based halide perovskites RbSnX3 (X= Cl, Br) have been performed under different …
rubidium-based halide perovskites RbSnX3 (X= Cl, Br) have been performed under different …
DFT calculations of opto-electronic, mechanical, thermodynamic, and transport properties of XCeO3 (X= Mg, Ca, and Ba) perovskite
We report structural, electronic, mechanical, optical, thermodynamic, and thermoelectric
properties of XCeO 3 (X= Mg, Ca, and Ba) perovskite using density functional theory as …
properties of XCeO 3 (X= Mg, Ca, and Ba) perovskite using density functional theory as …
Pressure-induced band gap engineering and enhanced optoelectronic properties of non-toxic Ca-based perovskite CsCaCl3: insights from density functional theory
This study investigates the impact of hydrostatic pressure on the structural, electronic,
optical, and mechanical properties of the cubic halide perovskite CsCaCl 3. The pressure …
optical, and mechanical properties of the cubic halide perovskite CsCaCl 3. The pressure …