Educational data mining and learning analytics: A review of educational management in e-learning

A Rabelo, MW Rodrigues, C Nobre, S Isotani… - Information Discovery …, 2024 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify the main perspectives and trends in
educational data mining (EDM) in the e-learning environment from a managerial …

A new learning path model for e-learning systems

DB Ramos, IMM Ramos, I Gasparini… - International Journal of …, 2021 -
This work presents a new approach to the learning path model in e-learning systems. The
model uses data from the database records from an e-learning system and uses graphs as …

Evaluation of recommended learning paths using process mining and log skeletons: Conceptualization and insight into an online mathematics course

JA Martínez-Carrascal, J Munoz-Gama… - IEEE Transactions …, 2023 -
Academic institutions dedicate a substantial effort to ensure the academic success of their
students. At the course level, teachers recommend learning paths (RLPs) for students to …

Nuevos diseños y formas organizativas flexibles en educación superior: construcción de itinerarios personales de aprendizaje

J Salinas Ibáñez, B de Benito Crossetti… - Pixel Bit. Revista de …, 2022 -
[spa] Una de las formas de incorporar estrategias didácticas que promuevan la flexibilidad,
la autonomía y la responsabilidad en el contexto de la secuenciación adaptativa del …

Um modelo para Trilhas de Aprendizagem em um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem

D Ramos, I Monteverde… - … on Computers in …, 2017 -
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar um novo modelo de trilhas de aprendizagem,
baseado em relações de interação aluno-ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, que possa ser …

Uma ferramenta baseada em grafo para identificação e visualização de trilhas de aprendizagem

DB Ramos - 2016 -
The Educational area has received great benefits with the use of internet and digital media.
Along with new technologies, Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) emerged, in which …

Learning Design Based on Personal Paths and Learning Sequences for Activation, Development, and Closure in Teaching

J Salinas, B de-Benito, A Darder - Design and Measurement …, 2022 -
This chapter focuses on the representation of flexible learning paths and teaching
sequences with concept maps. It is based on the concept of the teacher as a learning …

Um modelo baseado em trilhas de aprendizagem para a representação de alunos de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem

DB Ramos - 2022 -
Os sistemas educacionais personalizados, que buscam adaptar o ambiente de aprendizado
às necessidades e perfis dos alunos, geralmente precisam usar dados do usuário …

[PDF][PDF] Uma Proposta de Trajetória de Aprendizagem Conceitual para Programação Introdutória

VH Ferreira, EB Reategui - Anais do XXIV Ciclo de Palestras …, 2016 -
This article proposes a conceptual Learning Trajectory for introductory programming course
designed based on Conceptual Learning Trajectory Model (MOTRAC). It presents the …

A language and a space: Visualizing learning online

HI Alabi - Develo** effective educational experiences through …, 2016 -
Visualizations are quickly becoming an integral part of learning analytics for knowledge
discovery, sensemaking, and insight. Empowering educators and learners, visualizations …