Educational data mining and learning analytics: A review of educational management in e-learning
Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify the main perspectives and trends in
educational data mining (EDM) in the e-learning environment from a managerial …
educational data mining (EDM) in the e-learning environment from a managerial …
A new learning path model for e-learning systems
DB Ramos, IMM Ramos, I Gasparini… - International Journal of …, 2021 - igi-global.com
This work presents a new approach to the learning path model in e-learning systems. The
model uses data from the database records from an e-learning system and uses graphs as …
model uses data from the database records from an e-learning system and uses graphs as …
Evaluation of recommended learning paths using process mining and log skeletons: Conceptualization and insight into an online mathematics course
JA Martínez-Carrascal, J Munoz-Gama… - IEEE Transactions …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Academic institutions dedicate a substantial effort to ensure the academic success of their
students. At the course level, teachers recommend learning paths (RLPs) for students to …
students. At the course level, teachers recommend learning paths (RLPs) for students to …
Nuevos diseños y formas organizativas flexibles en educación superior: construcción de itinerarios personales de aprendizaje
J Salinas Ibáñez, B de Benito Crossetti… - Pixel Bit. Revista de …, 2022 - repositori.uib.es
[spa] Una de las formas de incorporar estrategias didácticas que promuevan la flexibilidad,
la autonomía y la responsabilidad en el contexto de la secuenciación adaptativa del …
la autonomía y la responsabilidad en el contexto de la secuenciación adaptativa del …
Um modelo para Trilhas de Aprendizagem em um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem
D Ramos, I Monteverde… - … on Computers in …, 2017 - milanesa.ime.usp.br
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar um novo modelo de trilhas de aprendizagem,
baseado em relações de interação aluno-ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, que possa ser …
baseado em relações de interação aluno-ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, que possa ser …
Uma ferramenta baseada em grafo para identificação e visualização de trilhas de aprendizagem
DB Ramos - 2016 - tede.ufam.edu.br
The Educational area has received great benefits with the use of internet and digital media.
Along with new technologies, Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) emerged, in which …
Along with new technologies, Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) emerged, in which …
Learning Design Based on Personal Paths and Learning Sequences for Activation, Development, and Closure in Teaching
This chapter focuses on the representation of flexible learning paths and teaching
sequences with concept maps. It is based on the concept of the teacher as a learning …
sequences with concept maps. It is based on the concept of the teacher as a learning …
Um modelo baseado em trilhas de aprendizagem para a representação de alunos de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem
DB Ramos - 2022 - tede.ufam.edu.br
Os sistemas educacionais personalizados, que buscam adaptar o ambiente de aprendizado
às necessidades e perfis dos alunos, geralmente precisam usar dados do usuário …
às necessidades e perfis dos alunos, geralmente precisam usar dados do usuário …
[PDF][PDF] Uma Proposta de Trajetória de Aprendizagem Conceitual para Programação Introdutória
VH Ferreira, EB Reategui - Anais do XXIV Ciclo de Palestras …, 2016 - researchgate.net
This article proposes a conceptual Learning Trajectory for introductory programming course
designed based on Conceptual Learning Trajectory Model (MOTRAC). It presents the …
designed based on Conceptual Learning Trajectory Model (MOTRAC). It presents the …
A language and a space: Visualizing learning online
HI Alabi - Develo** effective educational experiences through …, 2016 - igi-global.com
Visualizations are quickly becoming an integral part of learning analytics for knowledge
discovery, sensemaking, and insight. Empowering educators and learners, visualizations …
discovery, sensemaking, and insight. Empowering educators and learners, visualizations …