Quantum information with continuous variables

SL Braunstein, P Van Loock - Reviews of modern physics, 2005 - APS
Quantum information is a rapidly advancing area of interdisciplinary research. It may lead to
real-world applications for communication and computation unavailable without the …

Quantum information with Gaussian states

XB Wang, T Hiroshima, A Tomita, M Hayashi - Physics reports, 2007 - Elsevier
Quantum optical Gaussian states are a type of important robust quantum states which are
manipulatable by the existing technologies. So far, most of the important quantum …

Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution with a Gaussian modulation

P Jouguet, S Kunz-Jacques, A Leverrier - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2011 - APS
We designed high-efficiency error correcting codes allowing us to extract an errorless secret
key in a continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD) protocol using a Gaussian …

Finite-size security of continuous-variable quantum key distribution with digital signal processing

T Matsuura, K Maeda, T Sasaki, M Koashi - Nature communications, 2021 - nature.com
In comparison to conventional discrete-variable (DV) quantum key distribution (QKD),
continuous-variable (CV) QKD with homodyne/heterodyne measurements has distinct …

Multidimensional reconciliation for a continuous-variable quantum key distribution

A Leverrier, R Alléaume, J Boutros, G Zémor… - Physical Review A …, 2008 - APS
We propose a method for extracting an errorless secret key in a continuous-variable
quantum key distribution protocol, which is based on Gaussian modulation of coherent …

Continuous-variable quantum cryptography using two-way quantum communication

S Pirandola, S Mancini, S Lloyd, SL Braunstein - Nature Physics, 2008 - nature.com
Quantum cryptography has recently been extended to continuous-variable systems, such as
the bosonic modes of the electromagnetic field possessing continuous degrees of freedom …

Experimental study on the Gaussian-modulated coherent-state quantum key distribution over standard telecommunication fibers

B Qi, LL Huang, L Qian, HK Lo - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and …, 2007 - APS
In this paper, we present a fully fiber-based one-way quantum-key-distribution (QKD) system
implementing the Gaussian-modulated coherent-state (GMCS) protocol. The system …

Continuous‐variable quantum information processing

UL Andersen, G Leuchs… - Laser & Photonics …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Observables of quantum systems can possess either a discrete or a continuous spectrum.
For example, upon measurements of the photon number of a light state, discrete outcomes …

Continuous-variable quantum key distribution using thermal states

C Weedbrook, S Pirandola, TC Ralph - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular …, 2012 - APS
We consider the security of continuous-variable quantum key distribution using thermal (or
noisy) Gaussian resource states. Specifically, we analyze this against collective Gaussian …

Information-theoretic aspects of the generalized amplitude-dam** channel

S Khatri, K Sharma, MM Wilde - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
The generalized amplitude-dam** channel (GADC) is one of the sources of noise in
superconducting-circuit-based quantum computing. It can be viewed as the qubit analog of …