[HTML][HTML] Review of virtual power plant operations: Resource coordination and multidimensional interaction
Virtual power plants (VPPs) have become an important technological means for large-scale
distributed energy resources to participate in the operation of power systems and electricity …
distributed energy resources to participate in the operation of power systems and electricity …
[HTML][HTML] A systematic review of machine learning techniques related to local energy communities
In recent years, digitalisation has rendered machine learning a key tool for improving
processes in several sectors, as in the case of electrical power systems. Machine learning …
processes in several sectors, as in the case of electrical power systems. Machine learning …
[HTML][HTML] Data-driven energy management of virtual power plants: A review
A virtual power plant (VPP) refers to an active aggregator of heterogeneous distributed
energy resources (DERs), which creates a promising pathway to expand renewable energy …
energy resources (DERs), which creates a promising pathway to expand renewable energy …
Optimal bidding strategy for virtual power plant participating in combined electricity and ancillary services market considering dynamic demand response price and …
The virtual power plant (VPP) plays an important role in managing distributed energy by
integrating renewable energy sources, energy storage systems and dispatchable loads. It …
integrating renewable energy sources, energy storage systems and dispatchable loads. It …
A review of the evolution and main roles of virtual power plants as key stakeholders in power systems
JF Venegas-Zarama, JI Muñoz-Hernandez… - IEEE …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) allow the aggregated management of diverse power
technologies in systems of different size, complexity and connectivity. The main objectives of …
technologies in systems of different size, complexity and connectivity. The main objectives of …
Real-time pricing method for VPP demand response based on PER-DDPG algorithm
X Kong, W Lu, J Wu, C Wang, X Zhao, W Hu, Y Shen - Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
Through ad vanced information communication and management system, virtual power
plant (VPP) can realize the aggregation and coordination optimization of distributed energy …
plant (VPP) can realize the aggregation and coordination optimization of distributed energy …
[HTML][HTML] A taxonomy of machine learning applications for virtual power plants and home/building energy management systems
A Virtual power plant is defined as an information and communications technology system
with the following primary functionalities: enhancing renewable power generation …
with the following primary functionalities: enhancing renewable power generation …
Optimal aggregation of a virtual power plant based on a distribution-level market with the participation of bounded rational agents
Virtual power plants (VPPs) offer system flexibility by aggregating various distributed energy
resources (DERs) and simultaneously create profit opportunities for these DERs. A fair and …
resources (DERs) and simultaneously create profit opportunities for these DERs. A fair and …
MV-LV network-secure bidding optimisation of an aggregator of prosumers in real-time energy and reserve markets
The large-scale adoption of commercial and residential distributed energy resources (DER)
is transforming passive consumers into active prosumers. This new paradigm opens a door …
is transforming passive consumers into active prosumers. This new paradigm opens a door …
Modelling and simulation approaches for local energy community integrated distribution networks
Due to the absence of studies of local energy communities (LECs) where the grid is
represented, it is very difficult to infer implications of increased LEC integration for the …
represented, it is very difficult to infer implications of increased LEC integration for the …