Immersed methods for fluid–structure interaction
Fluid–structure interaction is ubiquitous in nature and occurs at all biological scales.
Immersed methods provide mathematical and computational frameworks for modeling fluid …
Immersed methods provide mathematical and computational frameworks for modeling fluid …
Prosthetic aortic heart valves: modeling and design
Although heart valve replacement is among the most common cardiovascular surgical
procedures, their outcome is often difficult to predict. One of the reasons is the design and …
procedures, their outcome is often difficult to predict. One of the reasons is the design and …
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics based FSI simulation of the native and mechanical heart valves in a patient-specific aortic model
The failure of the aortic heart valve is common, resulting in deterioration of the pum**
function of the heart. For the end stage valve failure, bi-leaflet mechanical valve (most …
function of the heart. For the end stage valve failure, bi-leaflet mechanical valve (most …
Assessment of CFD performance in simulations of an idealized medical device: results of FDA's first computational interlaboratory study
While computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is commonly used for medical device
development, its usefulness for demonstrating device safety has not been proven. Reliable …
development, its usefulness for demonstrating device safety has not been proven. Reliable …
Hemodynamics of the heart's left atrium based on a variational multiscale-LES numerical method
In this paper, we investigate the haemodynamics of a left atrium (LA) by proposing a
computational model suitable to provide physically meaningful fluid dynamics indications …
computational model suitable to provide physically meaningful fluid dynamics indications …
Blood pump design variations and their influence on hydraulic performance and indicators of hemocompatibility
L Wiegmann, S Boës, D de Zélicourt… - Annals of biomedical …, 2018 - Springer
Patients with ventricular assist devices still suffer from high rates of adverse events. Since
many of these complications are linked to the flow field within the pump, optimization of the …
many of these complications are linked to the flow field within the pump, optimization of the …
Combined natural convection-FSI inside a circular enclosure divided by a movable barrier
AB Shahrestani, B Alshuraiaan, M Izadi - International Communications in …, 2021 - Elsevier
The natural convection of a Newtonian fluid has been numerically studied inside a
partitioned circular enclosure at the presence of a flexible (movable) wall. The set of …
partitioned circular enclosure at the presence of a flexible (movable) wall. The set of …
Numerical methods for fluid–structure interaction models of aortic valves
G Marom - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2015 - Springer
In the recent years, fluid structure interaction (FSI) models of the aortic valve and root have
become increasingly common for two main reasons. The medical reason is that millions of …
become increasingly common for two main reasons. The medical reason is that millions of …
A review of state-of-the-art numerical methods for simulating flow through mechanical heart valves
In nearly half of the heart valve replacement surgeries performed annually, surgeons prefer
to implant bileaflet mechanical heart valves (BMHV) because of their durability and long life …
to implant bileaflet mechanical heart valves (BMHV) because of their durability and long life …
Device Thrombogenicity Emulator (DTE)− Design optimization methodology for cardiovascular devices: A study in two bileaflet MHV designs
Patients who receive prosthetic heart valve (PHV) implants require mandatory
anticoagulation medication after implantation due to the thrombogenic potential of the valve …
anticoagulation medication after implantation due to the thrombogenic potential of the valve …