Seismic wavefield imaging of Earth's interior across scales

J Tromp - Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2020 -
Seismic full-waveform inversion (FWI) for imaging Earth's interior was introduced in the late
1970s. Its ultimate goal is to use all of the information in a seismogram to understand the …

I/o access patterns in hpc applications: A 360-degree survey

JL Bez, S Byna, S Ibrahim - ACM Computing Surveys, 2023 -
The high-performance computing I/O stack has been complex due to multiple software
layers, the inter-dependencies among these layers, and the different performance tuning …

[किताब][B] Advances in financial machine learning

ML De Prado - 2018 -
Learn to understand and implement the latest machine learning innovations to improve your
investment performance Machine learning (ML) is changing virtually every aspect of our …

Posetrack: A benchmark for human pose estimation and tracking

M Andriluka, U Iqbal, E Insafutdinov… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
Existing systems for video-based pose estimation and tracking struggle to perform well on
realistic videos with multiple people and often fail to output body-pose trajectories consistent …

Global adjoint tomography—model GLAD-M25

W Lei, Y Ruan, E Bozdağ, D Peter… - Geophysical Journal …, 2020 -
Building on global adjoint tomography model GLAD-M15, we present transversely isotropic
global model GLAD-M25, which is the result of 10 quasi-Newton tomographic iterations with …

Global adjoint tomography: first-generation model

E Bozdağ, D Peter, M Lefebvre… - … Supplements to the …, 2016 -
We present the first-generation global tomographic model constructed based on adjoint
tomography, an iterative full-waveform inversion technique. Synthetic seismograms were …

In Situ Methods, Infrastructures, and Applications on High Performance Computing Platforms

AC Bauer, H Abbasi, J Ahrens, H Childs… - Computer Graphics …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The considerable interest in the high performance computing (HPC) community regarding
analyzing and visualization data without first writing to disk, ie, in situ processing, is due to …

Understanding and modeling lossy compression schemes on HPC scientific data

T Lu, Q Liu, X He, H Luo, E Suchyta… - 2018 IEEE …, 2018 -
Scientific simulations generate large amounts of floating-point data, which are often not very
compressible using the traditional reduction schemes, such as deduplication or lossless …

Extreme scale multi-physics simulations of the tsunamigenic 2004 sumatra megathrust earthquake

C Uphoff, S Rettenberger, M Bader… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 -
We present a high-resolution simulation of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake,
including non-linear frictional failure on a megathrustsplay fault system. Our method exploits …