[SÁCH][B] Meaning in the brain
G Baggio - 2018 - books.google.com
An argument that the meaning of written or auditory linguistic signals is not derived from the
input but results from the brain's internal construction process. When we read a text or listen …
input but results from the brain's internal construction process. When we read a text or listen …
Do brain oscillations orchestrate memory?
W Luo, JS Guan - Brain Science Advances, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Rhythmicity and oscillations are common features in nature, and can be seen in phenomena
such as seasons, breathing, and brain activity. Despite the fact that a single neuron transmits …
such as seasons, breathing, and brain activity. Despite the fact that a single neuron transmits …
The role of executive function and theory of mind in pragmatic computations
In sentences such as “Some dogs are mammals,” the literal semantic meaning (“Some and
possibly all dogs are mammals”) conflicts with the pragmatic meaning (“Not all dogs are …
possibly all dogs are mammals”) conflicts with the pragmatic meaning (“Not all dogs are …
Investigating scalar implicatures in a truth-value judgement task: Evidence from event-related brain potentials
M Spychalska, J Kontinen… - Language, Cognition and …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
It is considered underinformative to say Some As are B when it is known that all A s are B.
Such underinformative sentences receive divergent truth-value judgements: whereas so …
Such underinformative sentences receive divergent truth-value judgements: whereas so …
Semantic and pragmatic processes in the comprehension of negation: An event related potential study of negative polarity sensitivity
Most previous studies on negation have generally only focused on sentential negation (not),
but the time course of processing negative meaning from different sources remains poorly …
but the time course of processing negative meaning from different sources remains poorly …
Does the speaker matter? Online processing of semantic and pragmatic information in L2 speech comprehension
The present study investigated how pragmatic information is integrated during L2 sentence
comprehension. We put forward that the differences often observed between L1 and L2 …
comprehension. We put forward that the differences often observed between L1 and L2 …
Quantifiers are incrementally interpreted in context, more than less
Abstract Language interpretation is often assumed to be incremental. However, our studies
of quantifier expressions in isolated sentences found N400 event-related brain potential …
of quantifier expressions in isolated sentences found N400 event-related brain potential …
The realization of scalar inferences: Context sensitivity without processing cost
S Politzer-Ahles, R Fiorentino - PloS one, 2013 - journals.plos.org
Scalar inference is the phenomenon whereby the use of a less informative term (eg, some
of) is inferred to mean the negation of a more informative term (eg, to mean not all of) …
of) is inferred to mean the negation of a more informative term (eg, to mean not all of) …
Scalar implicatures in adult L2 learners: A self-paced reading study
J Cho - Second Language Research, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Using self-paced reading, the present study compared native English and adult L1-Korean–
L2-English speakers' processing behaviors during online comprehension of …
L2-English speakers' processing behaviors during online comprehension of …
[HTML][HTML] Computational complexity explains neural differences in quantifier verification
Different classes of quantifiers provably require different verification algorithms with different
complexity profiles. The algorithm for proportional quantifiers, like 'most', is more complex …
complexity profiles. The algorithm for proportional quantifiers, like 'most', is more complex …