Comprehensively summarizing what distracts students from online learning: A literature review
C Wang - Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
As online learning becomes an indispensable component of the current education system,
students benefit from the advantages of online education. At the same time, students are …
students benefit from the advantages of online education. At the same time, students are …
[HTML][HTML] Rethinking classifications and metrics for problematic smartphone use and dependence: Addressing the call for reassessment
S Nawaz - Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2023 - Elsevier
Despite numerous favourable consequences, excessive smartphone usage has been linked
to behaviours that might be detrimental or unsettling, at least for some individuals …
to behaviours that might be detrimental or unsettling, at least for some individuals …
No social media for six hours? The emotional experience of Meta's global outage according to FoMO, JoMO and internet intensity
Abstract On October 4, 2021, a severe technical service failure of Meta (previously
Facebook) caused a worldwide “outage” for 6 h. Billions of people, not able to access their …
Facebook) caused a worldwide “outage” for 6 h. Billions of people, not able to access their …
Gender differences in the associations between parental phubbing, fear of missing out, and social networking site addiction: A cross-lagged panel study
Despite the exploration of detrimental consequences of parental phubbing and adolescent
social networking site (SNS) addiction, research regarding their bidirectional relationships …
social networking site (SNS) addiction, research regarding their bidirectional relationships …
The Big-five personality traits and their link to problematic and compensatory Facebook use: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Social networking sites are widespread worldwide, and Facebook is the leading platform in
terms of the number of users, laying the ground for potential problematic use. However …
terms of the number of users, laying the ground for potential problematic use. However …
The fear of missing out on cryptocurrency and stock investments: Direct and indirect effects of financial literacy and risk tolerance
P Gerrans, SB Abisekaraj, ZF Liu - Journal of Financial Literacy and …, 2023 - cambridge.org
The “Fear of Missing Out” or FoMO has become an accepted motivator of behaviours
extending from the purchase of limited-edition sneaker brands to social media use and …
extending from the purchase of limited-edition sneaker brands to social media use and …
Fear of missing out (FOMO) associates with reduced cortical thickness in core regions of the posterior default mode network and higher levels of problematic …
Background and aims Fear of missing out (FOMO) promotes the desire or urge to stay
continuously connected with a social reference group and updated on their activities, which …
continuously connected with a social reference group and updated on their activities, which …
Predicting changes in helicopter parenting, fear of missing out (FOMO), and social anxiety in college students
College life involves navigating different educational and career development options, as
well as social relationships. The pressure to “fit in” can be stressful and involve the fear of …
well as social relationships. The pressure to “fit in” can be stressful and involve the fear of …
The relationship between fear of missing out, digital technology use, and psychological well-being: A sco** review of conceptual and empirical issues
Given the rise of digital technology and its assumed impact on psychological well-being, this
sco** review systematically examines the literature on Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), which …
sco** review systematically examines the literature on Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), which …
The role of excessive social media content generation, attention seeking, and individual differences on the fear of missing out: a multiple mediation model
The rise of social media platforms has changed human communication once and forever
and consequently, has triggered an array of emotions such as fear of missing out (FoMO). In …
and consequently, has triggered an array of emotions such as fear of missing out (FoMO). In …