Pathways to parenthood in social and family contexts: Decade in review, 2020

KB Guzzo, SR Hayford - Journal of Marriage and Family, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Whether, and under what circumstances, people become parents has implications for
individual identity, family relationships, the well‐being of adults and children, and population …

Critiquing the unintended pregnancy framework

SL Auerbach, K Coleman‐Minahan… - Journal of Midwifery …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The unintended pregnancy framework, a central tenet of sexual and reproductive health
care delivery and research, has been depicted as an adverse outcome that should be …

Supply‐Side versus Demand‐Side unmet need: implications for family planning programs

L Senderowicz, N Maloney - Population and development …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Despite its central importance to global family planning, the “unmet need for contraception”
metric is frequently misinterpreted. Often conflated with a lack of access, misinterpretation of …

Thematic co-occurrence analysis: Advancing a theory and qualitative method to illuminate ambivalent experiences

KM Scharp - Journal of Communication, 2021 -
Ambivalence is a phenomenon that transcends disciplinary divides and is associated with a
myriad of mixed outcomes. Yet, identifying and representing the complexities of ambivalent …

Pregnancies in the United States by desire for pregnancy: estimates for 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015

K Kost, M Zolna, R Murro - Demography, 2023 -
We examine whether changes in US pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates between 2009 and
2015 reflect underlying change in the incidence of pregnancies classified by retrospectively …

Contraceptive care using reproductive justice principles: beyond access

DS Cadena, A Chaudhri… - American Journal of …, 2022 -
As threats to sexual and reproductive health care spread, efforts toward meaningful access
can feel like an uphill battle. Reproductive Justice 1 (RJ) leaders have long worked to …

Challenging unintended pregnancy as an indicator of reproductive autonomy: A response

K Kost, M Zolna - Contraception, 2019 -
Potter and colleagues are right: the retrospective, population-level measure of unintended
pregnancy—typically presented as a rate among women of reproductive age or as a …

Structural inequity and pregnancy desires in emerging adulthood

AM Gomez, S Arteaga, B Freihart - Archives of sexual behavior, 2021 - Springer
Public health discourses often claim that delaying pregnancy is associated with social and
economic benefits. Yet research suggests that, for young people, structural inequity is most …

No perfect method: exploring how past contraceptive methods influence current attitudes toward intrauterine devices

AM Gomez, S Arteaga, N Aronson, M Goodkind… - Archives of Sexual …, 2020 - Springer
Little research on contraceptive decision-making takes a holistic perspective to understand
women's contraceptive journeys throughout the reproductive life course. This analysis …

The relationship between attitudes towards pregnancy and contraceptive continuation: Results from a longitudinal study of married women in India

E Tobey, A Jain, A Mozumdar - PloS one, 2020 -
To understand the relationship between pregnancy intentions and contraceptive use, a
growing body of research has begun to examine various domains of women's attitudes …