Time-resolved ARPES studies of quantum materials
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), with its exceptional sensitivity to both
the binding energy and the momentum of valence electrons in solids, provides unparalleled …
the binding energy and the momentum of valence electrons in solids, provides unparalleled …
Tutorial: a beginner's guide to interpreting magnetic susceptibility data with the Curie-Weiss law
Magnetic susceptibility measurements are often the first characterization tool that
researchers turn to when beginning to assess the magnetic nature of a newly discovered …
researchers turn to when beginning to assess the magnetic nature of a newly discovered …
The 2021 ultrafast spectroscopic probes of condensed matter roadmap
In the 60 years since the invention of the laser, the scientific community has developed
numerous fields of research based on these bright, coherent light sources, including the …
numerous fields of research based on these bright, coherent light sources, including the …
Inertial spin dynamics in ferromagnets
The understanding of how spins move and can be manipulated at pico-and femtosecond
timescales has implications for ultrafast and energy-efficient data-processing and storage …
timescales has implications for ultrafast and energy-efficient data-processing and storage …
Laser-induced terahertz spin transport in magnetic nanostructures arises from the same force as ultrafast demagnetization
Laser-induced terahertz spin transport (TST) and ultrafast demagnetization (UDM) are
central but so far disconnected phenomena in femtomagnetism and terahertz spintronics …
central but so far disconnected phenomena in femtomagnetism and terahertz spintronics …
Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry
A material's magnetic state and its dynamics are of great fundamental research interest and
are also at the core of a wide plethora of modern technologies. However, reliable access to …
are also at the core of a wide plethora of modern technologies. However, reliable access to …
Ultrafast optically induced spin transfer in ferromagnetic alloys
The vision of using light to manipulate electronic and spin excitations in materials on their
fundamental time and length scales requires new approaches in experiment and theory to …
fundamental time and length scales requires new approaches in experiment and theory to …
Momentum-Resolved Observation of Exciton Formation Dynamics in Monolayer WS2
The dynamics of momentum-dark exciton formation in transition metal dichalcogenides is
difficult to measure experimentally, as many momentum-indirect exciton states are not …
difficult to measure experimentally, as many momentum-indirect exciton states are not …
Light induced ultrafast magnetization dynamics in metallic compounds
We review the phenomenology of light-induced ultrafast magnetization dynamics, with
emphasis on metallic compounds. The interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with …
emphasis on metallic compounds. The interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with …
Tracing orbital images on ultrafast time scales
Frontier orbitals determine fundamental molecular properties such as chemical reactivities.
Although electron distributions of occupied orbitals can be imaged in momentum space by …
Although electron distributions of occupied orbitals can be imaged in momentum space by …