Ultrauniform, strong, and ductile 3D-printed titanium alloy through bifunctional alloy design
Coarse columnar grains and heterogeneously distributed phases commonly form in metallic
alloys produced by three-dimensional (3D) printing and are often considered undesirable …
alloys produced by three-dimensional (3D) printing and are often considered undesirable …
[HTML][HTML] Microstructure evolution, mechanical response and strengthening models for TA15 titanium alloy during thermal processes: A brief review
R Ji, K Zhu, H Zhang, H Luo, J Mao - Journal of Materials Research and …, 2024 - Elsevier
TA15 titanium alloy is widely used in aerospace industry in terms of its high specific strength,
good thermal stability, and excellent corrosion resistance. To further improve its mechanical …
good thermal stability, and excellent corrosion resistance. To further improve its mechanical …
Powder bed fusion manufacturing of beta-type titanium alloys for biomedical implant applications: A review
Thanks to many fascinating properties, such as high mechanical properties, good corrosion
resistance, and excellent biocompatibility, beta-type Ti alloys are frequently employed as …
resistance, and excellent biocompatibility, beta-type Ti alloys are frequently employed as …
Enhanced strength-ductility synergy and mechanisms of heterostructured Ti6Al4V-Cu alloys produced by laser powder bed fusion
Limited slip systems of α structure always play a major role in hindering strength-ductility
synergy improvement of titanium (Ti) alloys. To overcome the strength-ductility trade-off of Ti …
synergy improvement of titanium (Ti) alloys. To overcome the strength-ductility trade-off of Ti …
Designing ultra-strong and ductile hierarchical titanium alloys via interstitial solute-mediated multi-morphologic α-nanoprecipitates
In conventional duplex titanium (Ti) alloys, the soft primary α-precipitates (α p) are beneficial
to ductility with the loss of high yield strength, while the continuous α-precipitates at grain …
to ductility with the loss of high yield strength, while the continuous α-precipitates at grain …
[HTML][HTML] Additive manufacturing of fine-grained high-strength titanium alloy via multi-eutectoid elements alloying
Develo** fine-grained high-strength titanium (Ti) alloys by additive manufacturing has
boomed interest for both research and application. The eutectoid element addition has been …
boomed interest for both research and application. The eutectoid element addition has been …
Mechanisms underlying enhanced strength-ductility combinations in TRIP/TWIP Ti-12Mo alloy engineered via isothermal omega precipitation
Abstract β Ti-alloys can achieve a high strain-hardening rate and tensile ductility by taking
advantage of transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) and twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) …
advantage of transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) and twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) …
[HTML][HTML] Microstructural evolution and strain-hardening in TWIP Ti alloys
A multiscale dislocation-based model was built to describe, for the first time, the
microstructural evolution and strain-hardening of {332}⟨ 113⟩ TWIP (twinning-induced …
microstructural evolution and strain-hardening of {332}⟨ 113⟩ TWIP (twinning-induced …
Overcoming the strength–ductility trade-off by tailoring grain-boundary metastable Si-containing phase in β-type titanium alloy
It is well accepted that grain-boundary phases in metallic alloys greatly deteriorate the
mechanical properties. In our work, we report on a novel strategy to prepare high strength …
mechanical properties. In our work, we report on a novel strategy to prepare high strength …
Development of an additively manufactured metastable beta titanium alloy with a fully equiaxed grain structure and ultrahigh yield strength
Y Liu, L Xu, C Qiu - Additive Manufacturing, 2022 - Elsevier
Metastable β titanium alloys usually suffer from relatively low yield strengths, which restricts
their applications as a structural material. Additive manufacturing (AM), due to its extremely …
their applications as a structural material. Additive manufacturing (AM), due to its extremely …