[HTML][HTML] Probing quantum devices with radio-frequency reflectometry
Many important phenomena in quantum devices are dynamic, meaning that they cannot be
studied using time-averaged measurements alone. Experiments that measure such transient …
studied using time-averaged measurements alone. Experiments that measure such transient …
Silicon spin qubits from laboratory to industry
Quantum computation (QC) is one of the most challenging quantum technologies that
promise to revolutionize data computation in the long-term by outperforming the classical …
promise to revolutionize data computation in the long-term by outperforming the classical …
Hole Spin Qubits in FinFETs With Fully Tunable Spin-Orbit Coupling and Sweet Spots for Charge Noise
The strong spin-orbit coupling in hole spin qubits enables fast and electrically tunable gates,
but at the same time enhances the susceptibility of the qubit to charge noise. Suppressing …
but at the same time enhances the susceptibility of the qubit to charge noise. Suppressing …
Spin readout of a CMOS quantum dot by gate reflectometry and spin-dependent tunneling
Silicon spin qubits are promising candidates for realizing large-scale quantum processors,
benefitting from a magnetically quiet host material and the prospects of leveraging the …
benefitting from a magnetically quiet host material and the prospects of leveraging the …
Large dispersive interaction between a CMOS double quantum dot and microwave photons
We report fast charge-state readout of a double quantum dot in a CMOS split-gate silicon
nanowire transistor via the large dispersive interaction with microwave photons in a lumped …
nanowire transistor via the large dispersive interaction with microwave photons in a lumped …
Hole spin qubits in thin curved quantum wells
Hole spin qubits are frontrunner platforms for scalable quantum computers because of their
large spin-orbit interaction that enables ultrafast all-electric qubit control at low power. The …
large spin-orbit interaction that enables ultrafast all-electric qubit control at low power. The …
Exceptional-point-engineered dispersive readout of a driven three-level atom weakly interacting with coupled cavities in non-Markovian environments
JF Yang, HZ Shen - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
In this paper we study the dispersive readout of a driven three-level atom weakly interacting
with a passive cavity that couples to an active cavity. The system excluding the three-level …
with a passive cavity that couples to an active cavity. The system excluding the three-level …
Controlling synthetic spin-orbit coupling in a silicon quantum dot with magnetic field
Tunable synthetic spin-orbit coupling (SSOC) is one of the key challenges in various
quantum systems, such as ultracold atomic gases, topological superconductors, and …
quantum systems, such as ultracold atomic gases, topological superconductors, and …
Compilation and scaling strategies for a silicon quantum processor with sparse two-dimensional connectivity
Inspired by the challenge of scaling-up existing silicon quantum hardware, we propose a 2d
spin-qubit architecture with low compilation overhead. The architecture is based on silicon …
spin-qubit architecture with low compilation overhead. The architecture is based on silicon …
Parametric amplifiers based on quantum dots
Josephson parametric amplifiers (JPAs) approaching quantum-limited noise performance
have been instrumental in enabling high fidelity readout of superconducting qubits and …
have been instrumental in enabling high fidelity readout of superconducting qubits and …