[หนังสือ][B] Teachers as Tutors

MN Kobakhidze, MN Kobakhidze - 2018 - Springer
Teachers as Tutors Page 1 Chapter 5 Teachers as Tutors The purpose of this chapter is to
explain the socio-economic and educational contexts in which the teachers addressed in this …

Measuring private tutoring: methodological lessons and insights from Francophone Africa

M Bray, AR Baba-Moussa - Compare: A Journal of Comparative …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines and builds on an earlier contribution to this journal focusing on private
supplementary tutoring–widely known as shadow education–in Francophone West and …

Advocacy Coalitions and Education Policy Transfer: Lessons from School Board of Trustees Policy in Georgia

S Tabatadze - International Journal of Educational Reform, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
The article explores the relationship between education policy change and policy transfer,
focusing on Georgia's School Board of Trustees. It analyzes how Western practices have …

Revisiting Cambodian private tutoring: Insights into teachers' professional misconduct

S Soeung - Journal of International and Comparative Education …, 2021 - mjlis.um.edu.my
Cambodia uses a 'discouragement'strategy to manage teachers' engagement in supplying
private tutoring (PT). However, previous studies have criticised teachers' professional …


S Soeung - TEFLIN Journal: A Publication on the Teaching & …, 2020 - academia.edu
Private tutoring is not a new phenomenon for education in both developed and develo**
countries. However, English private tutoring (EPT) attracted a limited number of studies …

Development of a Perception Scale of Private Lesson: A Validity and Reliability Study.

A Yildiz, M Bütün, A Türkdogan, E Koçak - Elementary School Forum (Mimbar …, 2022 - ERIC
The purpose of the research is to develop a valid and reliable perception scale that can
measure the perception of math teachers (198) and science teachers (120) towards private …

Fenomén soukromého doučování jako stínový vzdělávací systém v České republice

V Šťastný - 2017 - dspace.cuni.cz
Disertační práce se zabývá fenoménem stínového vzdělávání, který v českém prostředí
dosud nebyl empiricky zmapován. Pojem stínové vzdělávání v mezinárodní literatuře …

The Demand for Private Tutoring in Turkey: An Analysis of Private Tutoring Participation and Spending.

M Özdere - Journal of Education and Learning, 2021 - ERIC
This article explores the process, reasons, and determinants of private tutoring as perceived
by the high school students in Sanliurfa, Turkey. This is a survey study and the quantitative …

Teachers as tutors: shadow education market dynamics in Georgia

MN Kobakhidze - 2016 - Springer
Various global reports and projects have highlighted the importance of teachers' roles, and
dimensions of teachers' motivations, skills and competencies in improving learning for all …

(Un) regulating shadow education in West Asia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey

MN Kobakhidze - … Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Using Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey as case studies, this chapter examines how
governments in West Asia address the regulation of private tutoring and the possible …