Animals and urban gentrification: Displacement and injustice in the trans-species city
Urban gentrification debates are essentially anthropocentric, ignoring how the presence of
animals at the gentrification frontier can promote or oppose capital accumulation. By way of …
animals at the gentrification frontier can promote or oppose capital accumulation. By way of …
[КНИГА][B] When animals speak: Toward an interspecies democracy
E Meijer - 2019 - books.google.com
Winner, 2020 ASCA Book Award, given by the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis A
groundbreaking argument for the political rights of animals In When Animals Speak, Eva …
groundbreaking argument for the political rights of animals In When Animals Speak, Eva …
On geography and encounter: Bodies, borders, and difference
HF Wilson - Progress in Human Geography, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
The notion of encounter has been used widely within work on urban diversity and socio-
cultural difference, yet it remains under-theorized. This paper argues that 'encounter'is a …
cultural difference, yet it remains under-theorized. This paper argues that 'encounter'is a …
Urban political ecology: A critical reconfiguration
M Gandy - Progress in Human Geography, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
Urban political ecology now finds itself at a crossroads between gradual marginalization or
renewed intellectual impetus. Despite some recent critical re-evaluations of the field, there …
renewed intellectual impetus. Despite some recent critical re-evaluations of the field, there …
Make kin, not cities! Multispecies entanglements and 'becoming-world'in planning theory
Much planning theory has been undergirded by an ontological exceptionalism of humans.
Yet, city planning does not sit outside of the eco-social realities co-producing the …
Yet, city planning does not sit outside of the eco-social realities co-producing the …
Rethinking care as alternate infrastructure
We defend a particular view of care as alternate infrastructure. Drawing insights from
feminist care ethics we rethink the dynamics between care and infrastructure to trace out …
feminist care ethics we rethink the dynamics between care and infrastructure to trace out …
Landscapes of care
The term 'landscapes of care'has increasingly taken hold in the lexicon of health geography.
As the complex social, embodied and organizational spatialities that emerge from and …
As the complex social, embodied and organizational spatialities that emerge from and …
Re-orienting nature-based solutions with more-than-human thinking
C Maller - Cities, 2021 - Elsevier
Different ways of thinking and understanding urban problems and imagining solutions are
needed to redress the suite of serious challenges facing cities. Focusing on urban nature …
needed to redress the suite of serious challenges facing cities. Focusing on urban nature …
Post-structuralist geography: a guide to relational space
J Murdoch - 2005 - torrossa.com
Geography is the study of relations between society and the natural environment.
Geography looks at how society shapes, alters and increasingly transforms the natural …
Geography looks at how society shapes, alters and increasingly transforms the natural …
Animal geographies I
H Buller - Progress in Human Geography, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Animal geographies has emerged over the last 15 years as a lively and provocative area of
current human/non-human geographical research and scholarship. Yet, while the 'animal …
current human/non-human geographical research and scholarship. Yet, while the 'animal …