Toga: A neural method for test oracle generation
Testing is widely recognized as an important stage of the software development lifecycle.
Effective software testing can provide benefits such as bug finding, preventing regressions …
Effective software testing can provide benefits such as bug finding, preventing regressions …
Enchanting program specification synthesis by large language models using static analysis and program verification
Formal verification provides a rigorous and systematic approach to ensure the correctness
and reliability of software systems. Yet, constructing specifications for the full proof relies on …
and reliability of software systems. Yet, constructing specifications for the full proof relies on …
Docter: Documentation-guided fuzzing for testing deep learning api functions
Input constraints are useful for many software development tasks. For example, input
constraints of a function enable the generation of valid inputs, ie, inputs that follow these …
constraints of a function enable the generation of valid inputs, ie, inputs that follow these …
Impact of large language models on generating software specifications
Software specifications are essential for ensuring the reliability of software systems. Existing
specification extraction approaches, however, suffer from limited generalizability and require …
specification extraction approaches, however, suffer from limited generalizability and require …
Llm-powered test case generation for detecting tricky bugs
Conventional automated test generation tools struggle to generate test oracles and tricky
bug-revealing test inputs. Large Language Models (LLMs) can be prompted to produce test …
bug-revealing test inputs. Large Language Models (LLMs) can be prompted to produce test …
Towards more realistic evaluation for neural test oracle generation
Unit testing has become an essential practice during software development and
maintenance. Effective unit tests can help guard and improve software quality but require a …
maintenance. Effective unit tests can help guard and improve software quality but require a …
Hotgpt: How to make software documentation more useful with a large language model?
It is well known that valuable information is contained in the natural language components of
software systems, like comments and manual, and such information can be used to improve …
software systems, like comments and manual, and such information can be used to improve …
{CarpetFuzz}: Automatic Program Option Constraint Extraction from Documentation for Fuzzing
The large-scale code in software supports the rich and diverse functionalities, and at the
same time contains potential vulnerabilities. Fuzzing, as one of the most popular …
same time contains potential vulnerabilities. Fuzzing, as one of the most popular …
Automated attack synthesis by extracting finite state machines from protocol specification documents
Automated attack discovery techniques, such as attacker synthesis or model-based fuzzing,
provide powerful ways to ensure network protocols operate correctly and securely. Such …
provide powerful ways to ensure network protocols operate correctly and securely. Such …
Automated program repair, what is it good for? not absolutely nothing!
Industrial deployments of automated program repair (APR), eg, at Facebook and Bloomberg,
signal a new milestone for this exciting and potentially impactful technology. In these …
signal a new milestone for this exciting and potentially impactful technology. In these …