Image Improvement and Dose Reduction on Computed Tomography Mastoid Using Interactive Reconstruction
Mastoid CT examination requires high detail and sharpness so that its iterative techniques
can obtain optimal image quality along with the use of low exposure factors. The purpose of …
can obtain optimal image quality along with the use of low exposure factors. The purpose of …
[PDF][PDF] Assessment of panoramic radiograph errors: an evaluation of patient preparation and positioning quality at soelastri dental and oral hospital
Background: Dental radiography is an important component of comprehensive patient care.
One of the most frequently used extraoral radiographic techniques is panoramic …
One of the most frequently used extraoral radiographic techniques is panoramic …
The Influence between the Length of Radiographer Working Time and the Reduction of Salivary pH (Research on Radiographers at RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin and …
Background: Radiographer is a radiation worker in a field of investigations that uses x-ray
radiation sources for health services. X-ray radiation can cause radiation effects for …
radiation sources for health services. X-ray radiation can cause radiation effects for …
Tingkat Pengetahuan Radiografi Periapikal Bisektris Pada Mahasiswa Angkatan 2017 Fkg Baiturrahmah
R Iswani, WP Sari, L Laveniaseda - Menara Ilmu: Jurnal …, 2022 -
Radiografi kedokteran gigi merupakan alat bantu diagnostik paling penting untuk dokter gigi
dan merupakan salah satu kunci penentu kesuksesan dari penegakan diagnosis. Tingkat …
dan merupakan salah satu kunci penentu kesuksesan dari penegakan diagnosis. Tingkat …
Paparan dari sinar radiasi bersifat akumulatif dan mengakibatkan banyak dampak
berbahaya seperti efek stokastik dan non stokastik terhadap pekerja radiasi dan …
berbahaya seperti efek stokastik dan non stokastik terhadap pekerja radiasi dan …
Estimasi Dosis Radiasi Yang Diterima Pasien Pada Pemeriksaan Thorax Pa
KS Anggarin, IPI Wulandari… - JRI (Jurnal Radiografer …, 2022 -
Background: Radiation dose received by patients during medical radiology examination
varied among practices. This is due to difference in techniques, filter, and equipment used …
varied among practices. This is due to difference in techniques, filter, and equipment used …
Gambaran Peralatan Proteksi Radiasi di Intalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah Hasta Husada: The Overview of Radiation Protection Equipment At Radiology …
F Wahyuni, S Sugiarti, KE Aryati… - Jurnal Surya Medika …, 2024 -
Radiasi pengion adalah jenis energi yang dilepaskan oleh atom yang merambat dalam
bentuk gelombang elektromagnetik atau partikel. Keselamatan terhadap radiasi pengion …
bentuk gelombang elektromagnetik atau partikel. Keselamatan terhadap radiasi pengion …
[PDF][PDF] Utilization of dental radiology services during the COVID-19 pandemic and factors that influence it in Banda Aceh
The COVID-19 pandemic spread worldwide until it finally entered Indonesia in March 2020.
Radiographic examination is used to make a diagnosis, make a treatment plan and evaluate …
Radiographic examination is used to make a diagnosis, make a treatment plan and evaluate …
Pekerja radiasi di Instalasi radiologi berpotensi untuk terpapar dosis rendah radiasi sinar-X
secara gradual. Paparan dosis rendah tersebut dapat menimbulkan proses ionisasi yang …
secara gradual. Paparan dosis rendah tersebut dapat menimbulkan proses ionisasi yang …
Studi kasus penerapan proteksi radiasi terhadap pasien di instalasi Radiologi RSUD dr. R Soetijono Blora
RD Patresya, IMM Naskhoka - Prosiding Seminar …, 2024 -
Proteksi radiasi yaitu terciptanya keselamatan bagi pekerja, masyarakat dan lingkungan,
maka dalam falsafah proteksi radiasi diperkenakan 3 prinsip proteksi radiasi meliputi …
maka dalam falsafah proteksi radiasi diperkenakan 3 prinsip proteksi radiasi meliputi …