Causal map** of human brain function
Map** human brain function is a long-standing goal of neuroscience that promises to
inform the development of new treatments for brain disorders. Early maps of human brain …
inform the development of new treatments for brain disorders. Early maps of human brain …
The theory and neuroscience of cerebellar cognition
Cerebellar neuroscience has undergone a paradigm shift. The theories of the universal
cerebellar transform and dysmetria of thought and the principles of organization of cerebral …
cerebellar transform and dysmetria of thought and the principles of organization of cerebral …
Shared and unique brain network features predict cognitive, personality, and mental health scores in the ABCD study
How individual differences in brain network organization track behavioral variability is a
fundamental question in systems neuroscience. Recent work suggests that resting-state and …
fundamental question in systems neuroscience. Recent work suggests that resting-state and …
Local-global parcellation of the human cerebral cortex from intrinsic functional connectivity MRI
A central goal in systems neuroscience is the parcellation of the cerebral cortex into discrete
neurobiological “atoms”. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) …
neurobiological “atoms”. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) …
Post-stroke deficit prediction from lesion and indirect structural and functional disconnection
Behavioural deficits in stroke reflect both structural damage at the site of injury, and
widespread network dysfunction caused by structural, functional, and metabolic …
widespread network dysfunction caused by structural, functional, and metabolic …
Revisiting the functional anatomy of the human brain: toward a meta-networking theory of cerebral functions
G Herbet, H Duffau - Physiological Reviews, 2020 - journals.physiology.org
For more than one century, brain processing was mainly thought in a localizationist
framework, in which one given function was underpinned by a discrete, isolated cortical …
framework, in which one given function was underpinned by a discrete, isolated cortical …
Generation and evaluation of a cortical area parcellation from resting-state correlations
The cortical surface is organized into a large number of cortical areas; however, these areas
have not been comprehensively mapped in the human. Abrupt transitions in resting-state …
have not been comprehensively mapped in the human. Abrupt transitions in resting-state …
[KNIHA][B] The neuroscience of creativity
A Abraham - 2018 - books.google.com
What happens in our brains when we compose a melody, write a poem, paint a picture, or
choreograph a dance sequence? How is this different from what occurs in the brain when …
choreograph a dance sequence? How is this different from what occurs in the brain when …
[HTML][HTML] The cerebellum and cognitive function: 25 years of insight from anatomy and neuroimaging
RL Buckner - Neuron, 2013 - cell.com
Twenty-five years ago the first human functional neuroimaging studies of cognition
discovered a surprising response in the cerebellum that could not be attributed to motor …
discovered a surprising response in the cerebellum that could not be attributed to motor …
The impact of traditional neuroimaging methods on the spatial localization of cortical areas
Localizing human brain functions is a long-standing goal in systems neuroscience. Toward
this goal, neuroimaging studies have traditionally used volume-based smoothing, registered …
this goal, neuroimaging studies have traditionally used volume-based smoothing, registered …